Renesas Academy FAQ

Registering for Renesas Academy is very simple. Navigate to the Academy Homepage www.renesas.com/academy from here follow these steps:

  1. Select the Register link in the upper right of the page.
  2. A page will be displayed asking you to you confirm the country you are located in and your preferred language and select the continue button.
  3. You will then be asked to confirm if you are a Renesas Affiliate, if you are a public user you will answer NO and check the box to accept Renesas terms and conditions.
  4. The blank profile page will be displayed which you will need to complete with your email and basic personal information then select continue.
  5. You will receive a confirmation email, it will be sent to the inbox of the email address you used in your registration. Open this email and click the get password link.
  6. You will be directed to a username and password form, your email address will be your username and you need to choose a password min 8 characters long and enter to the password field and select login.
  7. You are now registered and logged into the Renesas Academy Homepage.

We hope you will enjoy your learning experiences with Renesas. If you have any difficulty with your registration please let us know by reporting the issue. You can do this by navigating to the Support landing page and selecting Report a Bug.  

Renesas have come to understand over time it is important to any training consumer to be able to track their learning activity and see progress made with their time investment. We want to provide the same ability to follow your training progress on Renesas Academy. To make this possible each new Academy user must have a unique user ID and training profile in the Academy database to which all training activities are recorded. This is why you will be asked to complete a very simple one-time login on the launch of your first course.

Each new module launch and completion after registration will automatically be logged to you your unique user ID and displayed in your Academy training history on the portal. You can navigate and view your training progress at any time by selecting My Academy from the main navigation and then My Courses from the sub menu drop down.

If you have any difficulty finding or recording your eLearning activity to your My Courses page please let us know by reporting the issue. You can do this by navigating to the Support landing page and selecting Report a Bug.

Anyone can browse the Academy Course Catalog by visiting www.renesas.com/academy. You may also take a sample Academy module without registering by navigating to the Course Catalog from the Homepage and selecting the product family you wish to learn about. Once you are on the course list you may sample a Standard Module Example by simply clicking on the Sample Module button displayed at the top of the page. Taking further modules from the course list will require you to register.

New users are asked to complete a simple one-time registration to access Renesas Academy courses. You can do this by selecting Register from the upper right of the logged out Homage and completing the brief sign up process. Alternatively you can launch registration straight from the course catalog by selecting Take Course Now button under the desired module and you will be routed the registration flow automatically.

If you are already registered to the Renesas Academy portal you can launch courses immediately by selecting Sign In from the upper right of the logged out Homepage and navigating to the Course Catalog using the main navigation.  Once in the course catalog you simply select the product family your wish to learn about and launch the module you wish to study by selecting Take Course button.  

If you have any difficulty finding or recording your eLearning activity to your My Courses page please let us know by reporting the issue.  You can do this by navigating to the Support landing page and selecting Report a Bug.

In phase 1 of the Renesas Academy release, courses do not contain assessment quizzes. However quizzes may be introduced in later phases of the Academy deployment as advanced level content is released.

We recognize that our visitors may have various operating systems and Internet browsers. Although we want every visitor to have the best possible experience on our website, we understand it is impossible to provide webpages that work identically, efficiently, and effectively with all browsers and settings.

This site has been designed to look the best with:

  1. Internet Explorer 11(IE11)。请访问Microsoft的网站,了解有关IE11的更多信息或下载IE11。 http://www.microsoft.com/windows/downloads/ie/getitnow.mspx
  2. Google Chrome Version 62.0.3202.94 (Official Build) (64-bit)To download, please visit https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/
  3. Mozilla Firefox ver 57.2.0. please visit https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all/  to download
  4. iOS 9, 10, 11.  Please visit apple.com to download

For older browsers, content may appear to have disappeared. This happens when your browser window size is too small. If that is the case, either scroll down or simply maximize your browser window.

If you still have trouble viewing any part of our web site, or if your browser and computer combination cause pages to be rendered unreadable, please let us know so we can try to address the problem. 

Yes! Once you are registered to the Academy each module started and completed will be captured and stored against your unique user ID. The status of each module will be displayed in the My Courses table on the portal. You can view your eLearning history by navigating to My Academy from the main navigation and selecting MyCourses from the sub menu drop down. When a course is launched the status in My Courses will be set to ‘In Progress’ and set to ‘Complete’ when the last slide in the course is viewed.