Renesas Webinars
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Available Renesas Product Webinars
Unlocking the Secrets of Creating Unforgettable Embedded Products with Renesas
Last Updated
January 29, 2025
Connected Infrastructure
Last Updated
January 13, 2025
Locationing 2
Last Updated
October 21, 2024
How Connectivity is Becoming Instrumental in Connected Health, Fitness and Care
Last Updated
June 14, 2024
How Wireless Connectivity Contributes Evolution of Smart Home and Buildings
Last Updated
April 04, 2024
・How Connectivity is transforming Smart homes and buildings
・Key target applications
・Customer success stories
AI Panel
Last Updated
August 02, 2023
Listen in as an esteemed industry panel discusses the ways AI is already being used and implemented in various facets of the semiconductor industry. Moderated by Gartner, the panel took place during the SEMICON West/DAC 2023 Conference in San Francisco and included industry experts such as Renesas, TinyML, Synopsys, and Advantest.
The panel discussion focuses on how AI is reshaping the semiconductor industry and provides a 360-degree view of the ways AI is being implemented in the chipmaking process, and how its adoption by end customers is changing the face of the electronics industry.
How AI is Reinventing the Semiconductor Industry Inside and Out
Last Updated
July 31, 2023
Listen in as an esteemed industry panel discusses the ways AI is already being used and implemented in various facets of the semiconductor industry. Moderated by Gartner, the panel took place during the SEMICON West/DAC 2023 Conference in San Francisco and included industry experts such as Renesas, TinyML, Synopsys, and Advantest.
The panel discussion focuses on how AI is reshaping the semiconductor industry and provides a 360-degree view of the ways AI is being implemented in the chipmaking process, and how its adoption by end customers is changing the face of the electronics industry.
Lightweight AI For Predictive Maintenance Using Reality AI Tools®
Last Updated
April 27, 2023
In this webinar session we will show you how to make your products smarter with sensors and TinyML.
• Recognize and localize sounds
• Recognize non-visual gestures (capacitive, radar, motion, etc)
• Detect anomalies in smart equipment
Accelerate Embedded Vision AI System Development with RZ/V2L SBC
Last Updated
April 21, 2023
In this webinar, you will:
- Hear directly from engineers on how to use the compact and cost-effective dual-core Arm® Cortex®-A55 RZ/V2L microprocessor-based Single Board Computer (SBC), tailored for embedded Vision and Vision AI applications.
- Learn how this SBC can help to accelerate your system design and the available options to use this SBC directly in your product.
Build Scalable, High Performance Systems with EtherCAT.
Last Updated
March 17, 2023
During this webinar, you will learn:
1) How to build a scalable, high performance system with EtherCAT, and beyond.
2) The high performance architecture of the RZ/T2L MPU.
3) The extensive support of ecosystem and software components including the Rensas Flexible Software Package (FSP), functional safety solutions, security solution, encoder interfaces, and more.
Last Updated
March 17, 2023
1) EtherCATなど産業イーサネットに対応したスケーラブルで高性能なサーボ制御システムの開発方法.
2) RZ/T2Lの高性能なアーキテクチャ.
3) エコシステムや RenesasのFlexible Software Package(FSP)、機能安全ソリューション、セキュリティソリューション、エンコーダインタフェースなどを含むソフトウェアの広範囲なサポート.
IEC61508 Functional Safety - Setup Guide for RX Reference Board
Last Updated
March 17, 2023
In this webinar, you will learn about:
- How to develop a safety system while reducing the product development cycle.
- A reference solution to develop your prototype easier and faster.
- How to set up the RX Reference Board and how to use Renesas' free evaluation functional safety software.
IEC61508 功能安全 - RX 参考硬件板设置指南
Last Updated
March 17, 2023
- 使用参考硬件板的优势。
- 如何设置电路板,如何使用瑞萨电子免费试用功能安全软件。
IEC61508機能安全 - RXリファレンスボード セットアップガイド
Last Updated
March 17, 2023
- リファレンスボードを使用する利点
- ボードのセットアップ方法、ルネサス無償評価版機能安全ソフトウェアの使用方法。
使用 EtherCAT 构建可扩展的高性能伺服控制系统
Last Updated
March 17, 2023
1) 如何使用 EtherCAT 构建可扩展的高性能伺服控制器系统。
2) RZ/T2LMPU 的高性能架构。
3) 生态系统和软件组件的广泛支持,包括 Renesas 灵活软件包、功能安全解决方案、信息安全解决方案、编码器接口等。
Explore and Test Bluetooth® Low Energy Solutions with Android and iOS using Renesas SmartBond™ Mobile Application
Last Updated
February 20, 2023
This webinar will provide a demonstration of the SmartBond™ app key features and functionality.
Advanced Graphics in IoT Applications Using DA1470x Bluetooth Low Energy SoCs
Last Updated
January 11, 2023
DA1470x is a highly advanced wireless MCU family with integrated application processors, 2D Graphics processor, Voice Activity Detector (VAD) and Power Management Unit (PMU). It is the only product in the Bluetooth® LE space to offer this level of integration. This enables customer to
・Achieve advanced sensor and graphical processing while optimizing battery lifetime.
・Achieve Cost-effective, reliable, and form factor designs.
・Achieve seamless and ultra-low power Always-On audio processing
UI/UXを効率的に実現できるMPU RZ/G2LとQt社のソフトウェア
Last Updated
December 19, 2022
・RZ/G2L グループMPUの特長と最適アプリケーションについて
Last Updated
December 06, 2022
这手实验室演示中了解如何使用您自己的语音命令在几分钟内添加 VUI。该实验室包括:
•VUI 模板和工具的评估
• 运行模板并进行简单的更改
• 从头开始一个项目以演示在没有云连接的情况下将语音识别纳入产品设计是多么简单
RZ/V2L SBC Virtual Workshop 1108
Last Updated
November 14, 2022
In this webinar, you will learn:
・RZ Family Overview & Target Applications
・Architecture (RZ/G2L, RZ/V2L)
・RZ Board V2L (Hardware Overview, Software Overview, Hands-On Lab
Last Updated
November 14, 2022
本ウェビナーで、このキットを使ったハンズオン・ラボのデモンストレーションを見て、独自の音声コマンドを使用して数分で VUI 機能を追加する方法を学習できます。ラボには次のものが含まれます。
• VUI テンプレートとツールのレビュー
• テンプレートを実行して簡単な変更を加える
• プロジェクトをゼロから開始して、クラウド接続なしで音声認識を製品設計に組み込むことがいかに簡単かを実証します。
RZ/V2L SBC Virtual Workshop 1101
Last Updated
November 07, 2022
In this webinar, you will learn:
・RZ Family Overview & Target Applications
・Architecture (RZ/G2L, RZ/V2L)
・RZ Board V2L (Hardware Overview, Software Overview, Hands-On Lab
RZ/V2L SBC Virtual Workshop 1027
Last Updated
October 31, 2022
In this webinar, you will learn:
・RZ Family Overview & Target Applications
・Architecture (RZ/G2L, RZ/V2L)
・RZ Board V2L (Hardware Overview, Software Overview, Hands-On Lab
RZ/V2L SBC Virtual Workshop 1026
Last Updated
October 28, 2022
In this webinar, you will learn:
・RZ Family Overview & Target Applications
・Architecture (RZ/G2L, RZ/V2L)
・RZ Board V2L (Hardware Overview, Software Overview, Hands-On Lab
Significantly Reduce Software Development Time with FSP
Last Updated
October 18, 2022
In this session, we will provide instruction for you to create a project that will sample ADC values periodically using a timer, learn about adding timer driver and configuring it, adding an ADC driver, and reading the ADC value in call back, adding ELC and Transfer drivers and configuring it. In addition, we will go through the FSP configurator, generated code, POR-to-main-code flow, using developer assistance and the smart manual.
ルネサスの5G O-RANシステム向けネットワークシンクロナイザソリューション
Last Updated
October 04, 2022
- O-RANとは何か、従来のRANトポロジーに対する利点は何か
- O-RAN標準で定義される4つの同期プレーンモードにおけるタイミング要件とトポロジーについて
- ルネサスのClockMatrixハードウェアとPCM4Lソフトウェアによる完全なタイミングソリューションが、どのようにして全ての同期プレーンモードのO-RANタイミング要件を満たすか
- RFコンバータとLOの同期及び、低ノイズのサンプリングクロックの両方を保証する為にルネサスのClockMatrixシンクロナイザ・ファミリを使用することの利点
- IEEE1588準拠を保証する為にルネサスのLinux用PTPクロックマネージャ・ソフトウェア(PCM4L)をClockMatrixシンクロナイザ・ファミリと共に使用することの利点
适用于5G O-RAN系统的瑞萨电子时序解决方案
Last Updated
October 04, 2022
-将Renesas的Linux PTP时钟管理器软件(PCM4L)与同步器的ClockMatrix系列一起使用以确保符合IEEE 1588的好处
Build Flexible IoT Edge Solutions with RZ/Five 64-bit RISC-V MPUs
Last Updated
September 16, 2022
Join this webinar to learn how Renesas' newly released 64-bit entry-level RZ/Five MPUs, equipped with open and free RISC-V ISA-compliant CPUs, can solve all the three issues.
1. High-performance CPU that creates new added value
2. Efficient product development
3. Reduction of system cost
RZ/Five 64 ビット RISC-V マイクロプロセッサによって実現される柔軟な IoT エッジソリューション
Last Updated
September 16, 2022
このオンデマンドセミナーに参加頂いて、ルネサスが新たにリリースした IoTエッジ機器はオープンでフリーのRISC-V ISA準拠のCPUを搭載した64 ビット エントリーラインの マイクロプロセッサRZ/Five が 3 つの問題すべてをどのように解決できるかを学びましょう。
1. 新たな付加価値を生み出す高性能CPU
2. システムコストの削減
3. 効率的な製品開発
使用 RZ/FIVE 64位RISC-V 微处理器构建灵活的边缘物联网解决方案
Last Updated
September 16, 2022
参加本次网络研讨会,了解瑞萨新发布的64位入门级 RZ/FIVE微处理器(配备开放和免费的RISC-V ISA兼容CPU)如何解决所有这三个问题。
1. 高性能·CPU,创造新的附加值
2. 高效的产品开发
3. 降低系统成本
Renesas Voice UI Hands On Lab
Last Updated
August 25, 2022
Watch this hands-on lab demonstration to learn how to add a VUI in minutes using your own voice commands. The lab includes:
• A review of the VUI template and tools
• Runnning the template and making simple changes
• Starting a project from scratch to demonstrate how simple it is to incorporate speech recognition into a product design without a cloud connection
Wireless NFC Solutions for Nearly Every Product.
Last Updated
July 27, 2022
In this webinar you will learn:
• Types of applications that can most benefit from the combination of Panthronics NFC ICs and Renesas RA MCUs.
• Details on IoT card readers, Point of Sale terminals, and wireless charging use cases.
• How to use Renesas Winning Combination reference designs, Quick-Connect IoT Pmods and Panthronics Pmod expansion boards, which can significantly reduce your development time.
• How to enable a secure NFC application in the shortest amount of time for numerous cost sensitive consumer and robust industrial applications.
How to Develop Full Smart Metering Systems Easily with Lightweight DLMS/COSEM Protocol Communication Libraries
Last Updated
June 30, 2022
In this webinar, viewers will learn how easily a manufacturer can empower its devices with the DLMS protocol using Terranova's Smart Meter Library. DLMS/COSEM (IEC 62056, AINSI C12, EN13757-1) is the global standard for energy and water smart management, advanced control and innovative metering.
Topics addressed include:
• Analyze key product features of the product
• Examine the technical benefits and overall architecture
• Highlight RA and RL78 platform support
Renesas Network Synchronizer Solutions for 5G O-RAN Systems
Last Updated
June 01, 2022
In this webinar, you will learn:
- What O-RAN is and its advantages over traditional RAN topologies
- Timing topologies and requirements for each of the four synchronization plane configuration modes as defined by the O-RAN Alliance
- How Renesas' complete HW and SW timing solutions, with ClockMatrix hardware and PCM4L software, meet the O-RAN timing requirements for all configuration modes
- Benefits of using Renesas' ClockMatrix Family of synchronizers to guarantee both synchronization and low-noise sampling clocks for the RF converters and LO
- Benefits of using Renesas' PTP Clock Manager Software for Linux (PCM4L) with the ClockMatrix Family of synchronizers to guaranratee IEEE 1588 compliance
- How the PMOD type 6A hardware architecture makes it simple to connect to any Renesas development kit
- How the integrated software reduces integration effort by providing software libraries and simple software APIs
- How the combined hardware and software solution of the Renesas Qu
Last Updated
June 01, 2022
1) μSecの制御ループを保証する多数のモータ制御用周辺機能を備えたリアルタイムデュアルコアArm® Cortex®-R52プロセッサのサブシステム
2) TSN対応を含め、将来性のある産業イーサネットのサブシステム
3) SIL 3 アプリケーションに必要な外部MCUの数を削減し、機能安全の実装をサポート
Last Updated
May 30, 2022
在本次研讨会中,您将了解 RZ/T2M 为解决所面临的问题带来的好处:
1.)搭载双核 Arm® Cortex-R52® 处理器子系统,具有许多电机控制外设,保证 μSec 级控制回路
2.) 创新的工业以太网子系统,包括对面向未来的时间敏感网络 (TSN)的 支持
3.) 深度支持功能安全的实施,减少 SIL3 应用所需的外部处理器数量。
Build Top-Notch Servo Controllers with Industrial Ethernet and Functional Safety
Last Updated
May 25, 2022
In this webinar, you will learn about the benefits RZ/T2M brings:
1. The real time dual-core Arm® Cortex®-R52 processor subsystem with many motor control peripherals guaranteeing μSec control loops.
2. The innovative industrial ethernet subsystem including the future proof support for Time Sensitive Networking (TSN).
3. The extensive support for functional safety implementation, reducing the number of external processers needed for SIL3 applications.
Accelerate Performance for Vision AI, HMI and IoT Solutions
Last Updated
April 28, 2022
In this webinar, you will learn:
- To easily develop power-efficient Vision AI applications using RZ/V Series MPUs equipped with Renesas'
proprietary DRP-AI accelerator
- To smoothly create HMI and IoT applications using RZ/G2 Group MPUs with integrated HMI functions all in one chip, and provide high security
- To scale the development between AI and HMI solutions with the SMARC SOM evaluation platform
Accelerate Performance for Vision AI_HMI and IoT Solutions
Last Updated
April 28, 2022
In this webinar, you will learn:
- To easily develop power-efficient Vision AI applications using RZ/V Series MPUs equipped with Renesas' proprietary DRP-AI accelerator
- To smoothly create HMI and IoT applications using RZ/G2 Group MPUs with integrated HMI functions all in
one chip, and provide high security
- To scale the development between AI and HMI solutions with the SMARC SOM evaluation platform
Easier and Faster to Develop Robotic Applications on RA Family Using micro-ROS
Last Updated
April 18, 2022
It bridges the gap between resource-constrained microcontrollers and larger application processors. eProsima is the company behind micro-ROS and it is key-partnering with Renesas. The Renesas RA Family of microcontrollers is the micro-ROS recommended MCU and provides professional technical support at This webinar gives you the key insights of ROS and micro-ROS. We will demonstrate how to develop open source robotic applications using the RA Family.
Ultra-Low Power Wi-Fi - Ready to Go with AT Commands
Last Updated
March 23, 2022
During this webinar, we're going to:
• Highlight the key functionality of the DA16200 Ultra-Low Power Wi-Fi SoC.
• Highlight and explain the extended AT Command functionality.
• Show wi-fi implementation details on the RA6M4 MCU host.
• Demonstrate ready-to-go ultra-low power wi-fi using Renesas RA6 Series MCUs as an example using the SparkFun Wi-Fi Shield.
Making Easy-to-Drive BLDC Motors
Last Updated
March 22, 2022
As customers move towards Brushless DC (BLDC) from traditional brushed motors to take advantage of the power efficiency, torque efficacy, size and reliability benefits, there are new design considerations to understand. Unlike brushed motors with a mechanical commutator, BLDC motors need an electronic commutator which can be more challenging to implement.
This webinar will address these challenges and show how Renesas solutions can make it easy to drive BLDC motors with new tools, resources, and algorithms.
The Profound Impact of Endpoint Intelligence
Last Updated
March 22, 2022
In this webinar, we will discuss:
- How endpoint intelligence will have a profound impact on how we interact with IoT devices.
- Renesas technologies and solutions to help increase endpoint intelligence for a wide range of applications.
- The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI).
- AI / Machine Learning technology, landscape, and construct.
- Robust end-to-end security.
- Use case examples.
Using Imagimob AI to Build Production-Ready Models for Renesas Boards and Touchpads
Last Updated
March 22, 2022
Building and deploying Edge AI can be extremely difficult and time consuming if done from scratch. This webinar aims to highlight how Imagimob AI streamlines that development process. As an example, this webinar will show how this can be done to build a letter writing application for the KT-CAP1-MATRIXPAD and deploy the model on the RA2L1 low-power MCU running the ARM Cortex M-23.
SmartBond™ Bluetooth® Low Energy for IoT was Never This Easy and Fast
Last Updated
March 17, 2022
In this webinar you will learn:
- The TINY™ Module: content, design, package, etc.
- Worldwide certification.
- Development kit.
- CodeLess SW development and ready-to-use examples.
- Resources and support.
- How quick and easy it is to develop your new products with the DA14531 SmartBond TINY™ Module.
RZ/VシリーズはEndpoint Vision AI、最新の市場ニーズにお応えします
Last Updated
March 14, 2022
本オンラインセミナーを閲覧頂くと、ルネサスが新たに発売したVision AI向け製品であるRZ/Vシリーズが、これら全ての課題をどのように解決するかの情報を入手できます。
Last Updated
March 14, 2022
诚邀大家参与此网络研讨会,可以了解瑞萨电子的 RZ/V 系列 MPU 如何解决以上三个问题。
1. 同时兼具高速AI推理和低功耗.
2. 要求降低系统成本.
3. 需要高效的产品开发.
Introduction to mmWave Beamforming.
Last Updated
February 24, 2022
In this webinar, we will explore how active beamforming ICs can simplify phased array antennas for 5G, Satcom and Radar applications.
Three generations of active beamforming ICs based on highly integrated silicon technology have led to the commercialization of active phased array antennas for a variety of systems. This session will review common antenna architectures and design challenges of phased array antennas. We will delve into the features that simplify product design and reduce time to market, such as compact size, high power efficiency, Dynamic Array Power (DAP™), ArraySense™ and RapidBeam™ technologies.
RZ/V MPU Meets the Latest Market Requirements of Endpoint Vision AI
Last Updated
February 17, 2022
Join this webinar to learn how Renesas' RZ/V series MPUs can help confront all the three issues.
1. Realize both high-speed AI inference and low power consumption.
2. System cost reduction.
3. Efficient product development.
Click and Connect in a Sec with the mikroBUS™ TINY Bluetooth® LE Click board™
Last Updated
February 16, 2022
During this webinar we’re going to:
●Highlight mikroBUS and the DA14531 Module - what is it?
●Show how easy it is to work with a mikroBUS accelerometer sensor click board plugged into a DA14531 TINY™ Click board
●Show how to add a Bluetooth LE data pipe to an MCU
●Demonstrate how simple it is to start prototyping, using the TINY BLE Click board
Cost-Effective and Easy Production Test and Programming with Production Line Tool (PLT)
Last Updated
February 16, 2022
During this webinar we’re going to:
●Highlight the Production Line Tool - what is it?
●Show how to lower overall cost of tester equipment
●Demonstrate how easy it is to parallel program and test up to 16 devices
Develop Lean, High-Performing User Experiences for Low Memory Embedded Devices
Last Updated
February 16, 2022
During this webinar, you will learn about what makes Storyboard different for your embedded GUI development. You will also learn different techniques for asset, memory, and resource optimization, how to fine-tune GUI performance, and how to deploy our demo image onto the Renesas RA6M3 platform.
Renesas Universal-TWT (U-TWT) Unleashed! Enabling Target Wake Time with No Strings Attached
Last Updated
February 16, 2022
This webinar revolves around Wi-Fi 6 TWT, followed by DA16200's Universal-TWT feature, which is an excellent way for battery-powered devices to conserve power with no strings attached. The webinar also covers the similarities between Universal-TWT and Wi-Fi 6 TWT, as well as the advantages of Universal-TWT over Wi-Fi 6 TWT.
IoTエッジデバイスに最適なソリューション_エントリライン シングルチップ RA2E2 MCU
Last Updated
January 27, 2022
- IoTエッジデバイスにおけるデザイン課題
- ルネサスRAファミリ製品ラインナップ
- RA2E2特長
- 開発環境
- アプリケーション使用事例
Solution for IoT Edge Devices_Entry Line Single-Chip RA2E2 MCU
Last Updated
January 27, 2022
Throughout the webinar, we explain why this new entry line MCU is best solution for the IoT edge devices. We will also cover:
- Design challenges in IoT edge devices
- Renesas RA Family product portfolio
- RA2E2 key features
- Development environment
- Application use-case example
物联网边缘设备的理想解决方案_的入门级单芯片微控制器 RA2E2 MCU
Last Updated
January 27, 2022
该产品是新一代的微控制器,集Arm® Cortex®-M23强大的32位CPU性能与瑞萨产品的卓越片上功能和封装于一身。在本次演示中,我将解释为什么这款入门级RA系列产品RA2E2是适合物联网边缘设备的理想解决方案。
- 物联网边缘设备的设计挑战
- 瑞萨RA系列产品组合
- RA2E2关键特性
- 开发环境
- 应用场景示例
Learn How to Connect Process Controllers Using Object-based Modbus TCP
Last Updated
January 25, 2022
In this webinar, we will discuss the modular design of Utthunga's Modbus TCP Stack, how to connect your process controllers, and we'll show a demo of Modbus TCP with Renesas RA6M4. You will learn about:
1. Problems faced in Modbus TCP communication.
2. How to connect your process controllers.
3. Easy communication, fixed memory requirement & portability.
4. An easy-to-install and more scalable Stack.
5. Modbus as a popular communication standard to transfer discrete/analog I/O information between industrial devices
Module or SoC: What Makes Sense for Your Next Wi-Fi Product?
Last Updated
January 21, 2022
In this webinar we will:
- Provide various frameworks that will help you decide what makes sense for your next IoT product
- Review hidden costs that you might encounter for in-house module development such as RF design resources, antenna matching, regulatory approvals, and more
- Provide breakeven analysis templates to enable financial analysis of building in-house vs. buying from a chip vendor or a third party
Ultra-Low Power Wi-Fi: Battery Life Measured in Years
Last Updated
January 21, 2022
During this webinar, you will learn how the DA16200 can achieve battery lifetime measured in 'years' due to its incredible low power operation and sleep currents. We'll also demonstrate the tools and evaluation kits which can be used to achieve this great performance.
Wi-Fi Development Made Easy Using Renesas’ AT Command Set
Last Updated
January 21, 2022
During the webinar we will:
1. Introduce the DA16200 ultra-low power technology and show you how Wi-Fi can work for battery powered applications
2. Walk through the implementation using AT-Commands (features/functions) – what it can do for your application
3. Full end-to-end demo showing AT-Commands on the Raspberry Pi Pico board (RP2040) as a host, hooked up to the DA16200 Wi-Fi solution in an example application (Wi-Fi connected Actuator – e.g. lock or motor) all with AWS IoT services connectivity with the DA16200.
64bit MPU(RZ/G2L, RZ/G2LC)で、デジタルトランスフォーメーションを実現
Last Updated
December 07, 2021
ルネサスが新たに発売したエントリークラス製品向け64bit MPU「RZ/G2L」および「RZ/G2LC」が、これら全ての課題をどのように解決するかをご紹介します。
Digital Transformations Enabled by RZ/G2L, RZ/G2LC 64-bit Microprocessors
Last Updated
December 07, 2021
Digital transformation in industrial automation and smart building automation raise the demand for 64-bit MPUs to run with high-performance operating systems (Linux), incorporating new functions such as AI processing and cloud connectivity to HMI equipment.
With the high penetration rate of digital transformation and smart buildings, more cost-effective solutions are needed for this expanding market; however, three challenges are faced while implementing them.
1. High Performance CPU for New Additional Value
2. System Cost Reduction
3. Efficient Product Development
Watch this webinar to learn how Renesas' newly released 64-bit entry-level RZ/G2L and RZ/G2LC MPUs solve all the three challenges.
RZ/G2L, RZ/G2LC 64-bit MPU芯片推动了数码转型
Last Updated
December 07, 2021
工业自动化中的数码转型和楼宇自动化中的智能建筑提高了对 64 位 MPU芯片 与高性能操作系统 (Linux) 一起运行的需求,以添加人工智能处理和云连接的人机界面新功能。
1. 高性能CPU提供的附加价值
2. 系统成本降低
3. 高效的产品开发
参加该网络研讨会了解瑞萨的新发布64-bit入门MPU芯片(RZ/G2L, RZ/G2LC)如何解决这3个问题。
Extend Battery Life in Bluetooth® LE Quuppa Real-Time Positioning with Dialog’s DA14531 TINY™
Last Updated
November 12, 2021
The Quuppa Intelligent Locating System™ is a powerful engine for various location-based services and applications. It provides accurate real-time positioning data using Bluetooth® Low Energy technology, unique direction finding signal processing methods, and advanced proprietary algorithms. Hosted on the amazing DA14531 BLE from Dialog (now Renesas), this out-of-the-box solution provides the ultimate value in battery life, system cost, and size.
Ultra-Low Power Wi-Fi: A Smart Home Alternative to Zigbee & Z Wave
Last Updated
November 12, 2021
Dialog (now Renesas) offers the lowest power Wi-Fi SoC in the world. With our breakthrough low-power VirtualZero™ technology, IoT devices can now have a battery life of one year or more. This technology has the potential to replace existing low-power technologies such as Zigbee and Z Wave. In this webinar, we explain:
- How the VirtualZero™-based DA16200 platform will disrupt the smart home market by simplifying the home architecture
- Why Wi-Fi will become the ubiquitous standard in smart homes
- What enables us to offer the lowest-power Wi-Fi SoC in the industry
Web Bluetooth®: What Is It and What Can It Do For Me?
Last Updated
November 12, 2021
Web Bluetooth® is a JavaScript API that works inside Chromium based web browsers. It's supported in Chrome and Edge browsers in Chrome OS, Windows 10, Android M+, Mac OS X, and Linux. Web Bluetooth takes advantage of the native Bluetooth hardware in your phone, Mac or PC, and facilitates interactions with peripheral devices directly from the browser. It brings some great advantages which can ease both development and product deployment using Bluetooth Low Energy.
Protecting Industrial Communication Networks Against Electrical Fast Transients (EFTs)
Last Updated
September 29, 2021
Electrical Fast Transients (EFT) can damage the RS-485 bus transceivers of industrial networks. In RS-485 networks, the transceivers are connected in parallel, so damage to a single bus node can bring down the entire network. The cost of network downtime is the total cost of lost productivity, lost revenue, recovery costs, and intangible costs associated with downtime. It is currently estimated with about $340,000/hour (source Gartner Inc.).
In this webinar, we will briefly review EFTs and the issues they can cause, and then look at how Renesas' RAA78815x transceivers have the industry's highest EFT immunity and are thus the perfect solution for EFT issues.
RA4M3 Workshop
Last Updated
September 28, 2021
How to Simplify Chip-to-Cloud Security for my IoT Devices with Renesas RA Family MCUs
Last Updated
September 17, 2021
Three industry experts will show you how to cut the cost and complexity of IoT edge-to-cloud connectivity, and how to introduce best practices for secure management of your IoT networks by answering these questions and many more:
1. What are the risks involved in the Internet of Things?
2. Why, if I’m designing an IoT product, should I add the cost and complexity of security into my devices?
3. How do I implement seamless security throughout the supply chain – in design, production and in the field?
Last Updated
August 26, 2021
・DSP(Digital Signal Processing)とは.
・RX MCUをDSPに適用するメリット.
IoT Security Using SDKPac Solution Kits for Azure RTOS
Last Updated
August 26, 2021
Solving the problem of security in your next IoT design has never been easier with the Cypherbridge SDKPac with TrustZone support integrated on the Renesas RA MCU product line. In this webinar, users will learn more about Cypherbridge Azure RTOS Solution Kits to check the boxes for design wins and accelerate time-to-market. As a Microsoft Cloud solution provider, Cypherbridge delivers tailored solutions from device to cloud, integrating embedded security and root of trust, driving edge node sensors and actuators, and securely connecting device telemetry to Azure IoT cloud services. Their value in the Renesas and Microsoft ecosystems includes project ready Azure RTOS SDKs, design services, and long term technical support from legacy to new product designs.
組み込みAIでライバルに差をつけろ!ルネサスRZ/Aシリーズで学ぶ『IoT』『組込みAI』技術 ~ GR-MANGOを用いた画像認識の手法 (1)画像入力(MIPIカメラ)編
Last Updated
August 26, 2021
RZ/A2Mは、モバイル機器で広く使われているMIPIカメラインタフェースに対応し、HMI(Human Machine Interface)の中でもカメラを使ったアプリケーションに適しています。また、画像処理向けの大きな特長として、入力画像を高速処理する動的再構成プロセッサ、DRP(Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor)を搭載しています。
本セミナーでは、画像認識および組み込みAI手法として、食材認識を行う組み込みAIを例に、カメラ入力から出力までの4コースに分け、RZ/A2M搭載の評価ボードGR-MANGO を用いた画像認識の手法を学習します。
(1) 画像入力(MIPIカメラ)編
(2) DRP(動的再構成可能プロセッサ)編
(3) 組込みAI TFLM 量子化対応編
(4) 画像出力編
Breaks the Barriers of IoT Applications with the New RX671
Last Updated
August 23, 2021
IoT applications connecting to networks are becoming a commonplace in industrial and consumer applications. To progress to higher capabilities, designers need to continuously improve the applications from a variety of perspectives. However, the following difficulties stand in the way of achieving these improvements.
• Trade-off between performance and power consumption
• Trade-off between functionality and product size
• Contactless control required in the new normal
• Protection against various attacks from networks
The newly launched RX671, which is the latest RX family MCU can solve all these difficulties with a single chip.
Join this webinar and learn to:
● Solve the various difficulties in enhancing IoT applications with RX671 new features.
● Utilize the available boards to shorten your evaluation and development time.
Last Updated
August 23, 2021
・ 性能と消費電力のトレードオフ
・ 機能性と製品サイズのトレードオフ
・ ニューノーマルで求められる非接触制御
・ ネットワークからの様々な攻撃への対策
使用全新RX671MCU 突破物联网应用壁垒
Last Updated
August 23, 2021
连接到网络的物联网应用在工业和消费类产品中变得越来越常见。 为了提升产品的功能,设计人员需要从各种角度不断改进应用。 然而,各种困难阻碍了这些改进的实现,例如:
• 性能和功耗之间的平衡
• 功能和产品尺寸之间的平衡
• 新常态下要求实现非接触式控制
• 防范来自网络的各种攻击
瑞萨的RX671 MCU,是RX产品家族中最新的产品,可以使用单芯片解决所有这些困难。
• 通过RX671 的新功能解决物联网应用的各种困难
• 利用评估板来缩短您的评估和开发时间
Why RA Controllers are Perfect for Encrypted Communication with BACnet/SC
Last Updated
July 22, 2021
Currently, around 25 million devices exchange data via BACnet, which appeared in its first version in 1995. Now the manufacturer-independent communication standard is fit for the requirements of digitalisation with a secured communication structure based on TLS 1.3.
Manufacturers face the challenge of integrating the new structures with encrypted communication into new product series.
In this webinar, you will learn more about BACnet/SC and get an answer to the question why Renesas offers unique advantages with the RA series together with the BACnet stack powered by MBS.
Boost Your IoT Development: Renesas Quick-Connect for Fast Sensor, Connectivity and Processing Integration
Last Updated
July 07, 2021
Most IoT devices are made of the same basic elements. You have sensors to collect analog or real-world data. You then feed this data to a processing unit like a microcontroller or microprocessor to synthesize the data. Finally, you apply power to the entire system via line power or a battery. If it is so simple though, why is the development effort mired in issues like incompatible sensors, lack of dev kits or missing and incomplete software?
The Renesas Quick Connect IoT system is a revolutionary new modular building block system that simplifies integration of sensors, connectivity, and processing, not only in hardware, but also in software. The hardware modules can be daisy chained, meaning you can easily integrate multiple devices on one platform. The software is integrated directly into Renesas’ most popular development environments like the Flexible Software Package and e² studio. This powerful hardware and software combination will usher in a new era of ease-of-use and de
How to Easily Create Stylish Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) on RA6M3 MCUs
Last Updated
June 18, 2021
Designing stylish graphical user interfaces requires artistic and engineering skills, but artists aren't engineers and engineers aren't artists. Teamwork is required and Guiliani, along with its WYSIWYG tool GSE, is designed to keep everybody happy; even management because Guiliani helps to keep projects on time and on budget. This webinar will focus on the RA6M3 MCU, which is perfect for GUI because it has dedicated GUI features such as the 2D-Drawing-Engine from TES Electronic Solutions.
Using Dynamic Array Power Technology for High Efficiency mmWave Beamforming Front-Ends (JAPANESE)
Last Updated
June 17, 2021
Higher path loss at mmWave frequencies established the beamforming phased arrays as the key enabling technology due to their unique capability of range extension with steerable directivity. Efficient 5G networks require various radio units with different output power levels for specific functionalities. Therefore, output power flexibility with sustainable high efficiency is key for successful deployment of complete network ecosystems. In this webinar, we will demonstrate how Renesas beamformer products enable a wide range of output power levels while maintaining high efficiency with Dynamic Array Power™ (DAP) technology. This unique technology allows system architects to use the same antenna front end for an extended range of products from small cells and CPEs to wide‑area basestations.
In this webinar, you will learn:
Current challenges of mmWave 5G radio systems
Unique technologies enabling more efficient radios
Enabling IC features for easier system implementation
Using Dynamic Array Power Technology for High‑Efficiency mmWave Beamforming Front‑Ends (CHINESE)
Last Updated
June 17, 2021
Higher path loss at mmWave frequencies established the beamforming phased arrays as the key enabling technology due to their unique capability of range extension with steerable directivity. Efficient 5G networks require various radio units with different output power levels for specific functionalities. Therefore, output power flexibility with sustainable high efficiency is key for successful deployment of complete network ecosystems. In this webinar, we will demonstrate how Renesas beamformer products enable a wide range of output power levels while maintaining high efficiency with Dynamic Array Power™ (DAP) technology. This unique technology allows system architects to use the same antenna front end for an extended range of products from small cells and CPEs to wide‑area basestations.
In this webinar, you will learn:
Current challenges of mmWave 5G radio systems
Unique technologies enabling more efficient radios
Enabling IC features for easier system implementation
Using Dynamic Array Power Technology for High‑Efficiency mmWave Beamforming Front‑Ends
Last Updated
June 16, 2021
Higher path loss at mmWave frequencies established the beamforming phased arrays as the key enabling technology due to their unique capability of range extension with steerable directivity. Efficient 5G networks require various radio units with different output power levels for specific functionalities. Therefore, output power flexibility with sustainable high efficiency is key for successful deployment of complete network ecosystems. In this webinar, we will demonstrate how Renesas beamformer products enable a wide range of output power levels while maintaining high efficiency with Dynamic Array Power™ (DAP) technology. This unique technology allows system architects to use the same antenna front end for an extended range of products from small cells and CPEs to wide‑area basestations.
In this webinar, you will learn:
Current challenges of mmWave 5G radio systems
Unique technologies enabling more efficient radios
Enabling IC features for easier system implementation
Introduction of RZ/A2M and DRP usage
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
RZ/A2M is suitable for mobile devices with a MIPI camera. RZ/A2M can process images very fast by using DRP(Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor). DRP is a special hardware accelerator built in some RZ MCUs. Today, I'll show you the real time image processing on GR-MANGO board with Free-RTOS packages and DRP Library.
HMI On Renesas RA - Qt for MCUs
Last Updated
May 26, 2021
Years of experience with smartphones has taught us to expect a fluid and intuitive user interface on a touchscreen. As touch user interfaces spread to a wider range of devices, device manufacturers are facing challenges as they struggle to deliver a smartphone-like user experience, especially in lower-cost products and markets. Nothing is more likely to break a user’s trust in a device than a touch interface whose response lags their input by too long, or which cannot react consistently to multiple touches. This webinar takes a look at how Qt on Renesas RA6 MCUs can address these concerns.
Enabling Artificial Intelligence Applications without the Cloud Connection
Last Updated
May 25, 2021
Why we do need Artificial Intelligence at the end point? What are the main challenges to have embedded Artificial Intelligence (e-AI) implemented? Extremely efficient, high computational power is required (computational power vs. power consumption). Renesas enables endpoint intelligence by providing efficient, flexible, and scalable RZ MPU products for e-AI applications.
Go to Market Faster with Winning Combinations & Lab on the Cloud
Last Updated
May 25, 2021
In today's fast paced world, time-to-market is a key ingredient for the success of a product. Learn about Renesas' Winning Combinations, product combinations that help our customers accelerate their designs to get to market faster.
In this webinar, participants will learn about a new technology to evaluate a device or system remotely over the cloud: Renesas' Lab on the Cloud, an online platform to access and evaluate Renesas devices and solutions from the comfort of your home. Lab on the Cloud connects users to Renesas evaluation boards and solutions in a one-stop-shop and gives users the capability to perform relevant tests on boards remotely.
Last Updated
May 17, 2021
R-IN32M3モジュールは、当社LSI(R-IN32M3-EC)を搭載した 産業用イーサネットモジュールです。小型パッケージに産業用イーサネットに必要なハードウェアおよび、PROFINET、EtherNet/IP、EtherCATプロトコルスタックを実装したオールインワンなソリューションです。産業用ネットワークの専門知識を意識することなく、ハードウェア設計、通信プロトコルの実装、コンフォーマンステスト実施という製品開発における負担を大幅に軽減し、アプリケーション開発に注力することができます。
Advanced Voice User Interface on Renesas RA6M5 MCU
Last Updated
May 11, 2021
Voice User Interfaces (VUIs) have the potential to greatly improve the experience of interacting with appliances; however, delivering an optimal VUI is not easy. Many appliance product design factors such as functionality, safety, energy efficiency, and aesthetics can greatly affect overall voice performance, so an understanding of voice systems is required. In addition, uncertainties around software/hardware requirements make voice integration even more daunting.
In cooperation with Sensory and Future Designs, DSP Concepts and Renesas created the RA6M5 MCU + TalkTo Audio Front End solution. This solution greatly simplifies the complex VUI integration process by providing an integrated reference design solution, incorporating the hardware (including microphones and MCU) and software (audio front end and voice recognition engine), as well as tools to characterize end product hardware and tune the system for optimal voice performance.
In this webinar you will learn about the fo
Avoiding Board Reconfigurations Due to Noisy Clocks with the New Renesas FemtoClock2 (Chinese Subtitles)
Last Updated
May 11, 2021
Designers facing development issues late in the project are often in the unenviable position of having to impose significant delays and expenses to address those problems. It would be great if there was an alternative which could be implemented without requiring a reconfiguration of a significant portion of the board.
In this webinar, you will learn how the new FemtoClock2 'point-of-use' clock devices from Renesas solve these problems, either by dropping a landing spot right along the clock trace, or even planning in advance, leaving a place where it could be populated if needed. Available in a tiny 4x4 mm package and able to deliver ~ 80 fs of integrated RMS jitter, they can be liberally used throughout a system where board space is tight and coupled noise is a hurdle.
Avoiding Board Reconfigurations Due to Noisy Clocks with the New Renesas FemtoClock2 (Japanese Subtitles)
Last Updated
May 11, 2021
Designers facing development issues late in the project are often in the unenviable position of having to impose significant delays and expenses to address those problems. It would be great if there was an alternative which could be implemented without requiring a reconfiguration of a significant portion of the board.
In this webinar, you will learn how the new FemtoClock2 'point-of-use' clock devices from Renesas solve these problems, either by dropping a landing spot right along the clock trace, or even planning in advance, leaving a place where it could be populated if needed. Available in a tiny 4x4 mm package and able to deliver ~ 80 fs of integrated RMS jitter, they can be liberally used throughout a system where board space is tight and coupled noise is a hurdle.
Innovative Industrial Power Management Solutions
Last Updated
May 11, 2021
Renesas’ industrial power solutions are optimized to power our broad MCU, timing and sensing portfolios in a wide range of market applications including telecom, industrial automation, metering, and appliances among others. In this webinar, we focus on how Renesas power solutions improve system performance and review recent reference designs to help bring products to market faster.
AI-Based Air Quality Sensors for Embedded Systems
Last Updated
May 03, 2021
High-awareness of the health effects of air quality, especially with the latest news on its positive health effects against the COVID-19 virus, has increased interest and demand for topics such as ‘air environment.' Technology industries are reacting to such demands with new products that measure the actual air quality, indoors and outdoors, activate and control the ventilation of appliances, such as HVAC or kitchen hoods, or simply alert the user. In this webinar, we provide you with insights and how-to's of “good air” based on different standards, plus Renesas solutions based on AI-algorithms. The webinar will also show a live demo for typical air-quality applications.
Automated Machine Learning on the RA Family of MCUs
Last Updated
May 03, 2021
In this webinar, participants will learn how Qeexo’s AutoML machine learning platform transforms the embedded Artificial Intelligence (e-AI) development process without users having to code. Qeexo AutoML is a fully-automated, end-to-end machine learning platform that builds lightweight machine learning solutions (tinyML) running locally on constrained environments such as a Cortex Arm M4 MCU. It augments the user experience and applicability of products like the RA Family of MCUs, adding intelligence with AI for many applications including Wearables, Industrial, Mobile, Smart Home/Appliance and other IoT markets.
Simplify Wireless Radio Design with a Complete RF Signal Chain Solution (Chinese Subtitles)
Last Updated
April 30, 2021
As the 5G transition picks up speed, customers need to upgrade their current system architecture to be ready for 5G while still meeting the needs of today's bandwidth demands. Renesas continues to advance our Macro BTS portfolio of receive and transmit chain components with higher performance and higher integration. We are committed to bringing new circuit design advancements to the market and this webinar will provide an overview of these new devices that address the complete RF signal chain and enable customers to be 5G ready as they bring their next-generation Macro BTS systems to market.
Simplify Wireless Radio Design with a Complete RF Signal Chain Solution (Japanese Subtitles)
Last Updated
April 30, 2021
As the 5G transition picks up speed, customers need to upgrade their current system architecture to be ready for 5G while still meeting the needs of today's bandwidth demands. Renesas continues to advance our Macro BTS portfolio of receive and transmit chain components with higher performance and higher integration. We are committed to bringing new circuit design advancements to the market and this webinar will provide an overview of these new devices that address the complete RF signal chain and enable customers to be 5G ready as they bring their next-generation Macro BTS systems to market.
Optimize Your Clocktree
Last Updated
April 27, 2021
In this webinar, we will identify the top challenges for clock tree designers of industrial applications and present how silicon timing addresses these concerns.
Participants of the webinar will learn about:
• How silicon timing helps optimize these designs by simplifying frequency planning and maintaining signal integrity
• The importance of standard compliance and how silicon timing solutions make it easier
• How evaluation tools, phase noise measurement tools, and the ability to procure factory pre-programmed products can accelerate design cycles and reduce time to market
Last Updated
April 21, 2021
Avoiding Board Reconfigurations Due to Noisy Clocks with the New Renesas FemtoClock2
Last Updated
April 19, 2021
Designers facing development issues late in the project are often in the unenviable position of having to impose significant delays and expenses to address those problems. It would be great if there was an alternative which could be implemented without requiring a reconfiguration of a significant portion of the board.
In this webinar, you will learn how the new FemtoClock2 'point-of-use' clock devices from Renesas solve these problems, either by dropping a landing spot right along the clock trace, or even planning in advance, leaving a place where it could be populated if needed. Available in a tiny 4x4 mm package and able to deliver ~ 80 fs of integrated RMS jitter, they can be liberally used throughout a system where board space is tight and coupled noise is a hurdle.
Perfect synchronization and low phase noise clocks for 4G/5G radios (Chinese Subtitles)
Last Updated
April 19, 2021
This webinar delves into integrated clock solutions implementing 5G synchronization requirements and presents solutions for the presented scenarios including filtering the clock from CPRI/eCPRI, steering frequencies for IEEE1588, data converter synchronization and delivering exceptionally-low phase noise and jitter.
In this webinar you will learn about:
- Renesas single-chip radio synchronizer resolving 5G RAN synchronization challenges
- Latest state-of-the-art jitter attenuators and features supporting best possible signal-to-noise ratio in wireless and data converter applications
Perfect synchronization and low phase noise clocks for 4G/5G radios (Japanese Subtitles)
Last Updated
April 19, 2021
This webinar delves into integrated clock solutions implementing 5G synchronization requirements and presents solutions for the presented scenarios including filtering the clock from CPRI/eCPRI, steering frequencies for IEEE1588, data converter synchronization and delivering exceptionally-low phase noise and jitter.
In this webinar you will learn about:
- Renesas single-chip radio synchronizer resolving 5G RAN synchronization challenges
- Latest state-of-the-art jitter attenuators and features supporting best possible signal-to-noise ratio in wireless and data converter applications
Last Updated
April 19, 2021
このオンラインセミナーでは、バッテリ駆動によるBLDCモータをターゲットとしたアプリケーションを例としてモータ制御の最適化に向けた提案をさせて頂きます。電力効率の改善とよりトルクを発揮できる、BLDCモータアプリ向けのALL in Oneソリューションを紹介致します。
Adopting Specialty Materials in Sensors for Expanding and Emerging Smart Embedded Systems
Last Updated
April 14, 2021
The expansion of IoT devices in our homes and portable applications make it challenging to protect sensors from varying environmental elements. The same sensor may be designed into a smart home appliance and a smart speaker that can be used outside the home.
In order to protect sensor devices from expanding and emerging applicaiton environments, selective specialty materials and packaging are needed. These specialty materials are adopted from traditional semiconductor and medical applications, and are now implemented into wider use in consumer and industrial sensor applications.
Renesas' sensor products utilize these specialty materials, such as parylene coatings and hydrophobic membranes, to expand usage in harsh environments. These materials and packaging methods are integrated on the sensing element to the module form.
新一代低功耗MCU-RL78/G23能够提高IoT Edge 性能
Last Updated
April 12, 2021
IoT Edge设备需要在降低功耗的同时提供更高的性能。确保IoT Edge设备的安全性以防止信息被黑客入侵或窃取也很重要。除了这些功能,最终产品还很注重小尺寸。 RL78/G23产品群是最适合此类市场趋势的微控制器。 RL78/G23产品群配备了SNOOZE Mode Sequencer (SMS),以减少间歇操作时的电流消耗,并具有安全防欺骗功能。 RL78/G23内置于电容式触摸感应单元和遥控接收电路中,可实现更紧凑的PCB设计。
●通过实施外围功能和安全性来提高IoT Edge性能
●使用RL78 / G23保持低功耗
Last Updated
April 12, 2021
IoT Edgeデバイスでは、さまざまなことを感知し、安全に情報をクラウドに送信する必要があります。 そのためには、消費電力を削減しながら、より高いパフォーマンスを提供する必要があります。情報のハッキングや盗難を防ぐために、IoT Edgeデバイスのセキュリティを確保することも重要です。これらの機能に加えて、何処にでも置けるように最終製品には小さなパッケージを求められることもあります。
RL78/G23は、このような市場動向に最も適したマイコンです。 RL78/G23には、間欠動作時の消費電流を低減するSNOOZE Mode Sequencer (SMS)を搭載し、セキュリティ面ではなりすまし防止機能も搭載しています。 RL78/G23は静電容量センサユニットとリモコン信号受信機能を内蔵しており、よりコンパクトなPCB設計を実現しています。
●周辺機能とセキュリティを実装することでIoT Edgeのパフォーマンスを向上
●Easy-to-Useな開発環境を活用して開発を加速(Smart Configurator )
Renesas PTP Clock Manager Software for Linux: IEEE 1588 Compliance Made Easy (Chinese Subtitles)
Last Updated
April 07, 2021
Most 1EEE1588 synchronization solutions are provided as a black box and the details are not well undersood. In this webinar, we will open that box and see that the contents are less intimidating than most presume.
Learn about a software solution which works in the Linux open source environment, is easy to use, and user customizable.
Renesas PTP Clock Manager Software for Linux: IEEE 1588 Compliance Made Easy (Japanese Subtitles)
Last Updated
April 07, 2021
Most 1EEE1588 synchronization solutions are provided as a black box and the details are not well undersood. In this webinar, we will open that box and see that the contents are less intimidating than most presume.
Learn about a software solution which works in the Linux open source environment, is easy to use, and user customizable.
Renesas PTP Clock Manager Software for Linux: IEEE 1588 Compliance Made Easy (Japanese Subtitles)
Last Updated
April 07, 2021
Most 1EEE1588 synchronization solutions are provided as a black box and the details are not well undersood. In this webinar, we will open that box and see that the contents are less intimidating than most presume.
Learn about a software solution which works in the Linux open source environment, is easy to use, and user customizable.
Simplify Wireless Radio Design with a Complete RF Signal Chain Solution
Last Updated
April 07, 2021
As the 5G transition picks up speed, customers need to upgrade their current system architecture to be ready for 5G while still meeting the needs of today's bandwidth demands. Renesas continues to advance our Macro BTS portfolio of receive and transmit chain components with higher performance and higher integration. We are committed to bringing new circuit design advancements to the market and this webinar will provide an overview of these new devices that address the complete RF signal chain and enable customers to be 5G ready as they bring their next-generation Macro BTS systems to market.
How to Implement Easy, Efficient and Robust BLDC Motor Control
Last Updated
March 30, 2021
In this session, we will use examples of target BLDC motor drive applications powered from high-capacity batteries to learn how to optimize performance. We will review critical specifications for improving power efficiency and how to get more horsepower, leveraging a mix of integrated analog circuitry and software.
Raise IoT Edge Performance with RL78/G23, the New Generation of Low Power MCU
Last Updated
March 30, 2021
From this webinar, users will be able to:
- Raise IoT Edge performance by implementing peripheral functions and security
- Keep power consumption low with RL78/G23
- Migrate easily from existing MCU using enhanced peripheral function
- Speed-up development by utilizing easy to use development environment (Smart configurator)
Lowest Active Power Consumption and Highest Performance with the RA Family RA4M2 Group (Chinese Subtitles)
Last Updated
March 19, 2021
In this webinar, we will explore the newest member of the RA family. The RA4M2 MCUs offer lowest active power and 100MHz performance simultaneously. This is making the RA4M2 Group ideal for an IoT application platform with a rich variety of different end-products all based on the RA family of microcontrollers.
In addition, we will touch on how you can realize Secure Element Functionality and benefit from better performance, unlimited secure key storage, key management, and lower system cost. We study how to get more out of your MCU design through high integration allowing rich connectivity and endless communication options and up to 512kB of code flash. By using the Flexible Software Package (FSP), we will review a quick and versatile way to build secure connected Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
Perfect synchronization and low phase noise clocks for 4G/5G radios
Last Updated
March 19, 2021
This webinar delves into integrated clock solutions implementing 5G synchronization requirements and presents solutions for the presented scenarios including filtering the clock from CPRI/eCPRI, steering frequencies for IEEE1588, data converter synchronization and delivering exceptionally-low phase noise and jitter.
In this webinar you will learn about:
- Renesas single-chip radio synchronizer resolving 5G RAN synchronization challenges
- Latest state-of-the-art jitter attenuators and features supporting best possible signal-to-noise ratio in wireless and data converter applications
Cyberon's DSpotter - Edge Voice Recognition Solution on RA MCUs
Last Updated
March 18, 2021
The rapid rise of smart speakers has made us comfortable with using our voices to communicate with our devices. The adoption of voice-based technology has been further accelerated by COVID-19, driven by the rising demand of contactless human-machine interfacing.
Enabling voice user interface in IoT devices that are compute, memory, and power constrained, and often not connected to the cloud, is a challenge. Furthermore, implementing voice control in your design can often be time-consuming and expensive.
In this webinar you will learn:
Key design considerations for implementing voice in your constrained IoT applications
How to get started with your design using Renesas RA MCUs and the powerful Cyberon DSpotter toolchain
Renesas PTP Clock Manager Software for Linux: IEEE 1588 Compliance Made Easy
Last Updated
March 16, 2021
Most 1EEE1588 synchronization solutions are provided as a black box and the details are not well undersood. In this webinar, we will open that box and see that the contents are less intimidating than most presume.
Learn about a software solution which works in the Linux open source environment, is easy to use, and user customizable.
Enabling Touch Control with the RA Family of MCUs
Last Updated
March 15, 2021
For several years, the Renesas MCU product portfolio has offered state-of-the-art capacitive touch interfaces for applications with buttons, sliders, wheels and more. Our experience and know-how in this area has enabled us to develop new IPs to adapt and improve our solutions. The new Renesas RA family embeds this latest technology, offering innovative features such as fast scan, and advancements in the areas of noise immunity, sensibility and accuracy.
Our technology is perfect for the design of more traditional touch-like buttons, wheels and sliders, but now designers can also embrace touchless control or material detection applications too! The COVID-19 pandemic has created a strong demand for ‘non-contact HMI’ to avoid further contamination, and Renesas has developed multiple solutions to address this need.
Renesas Capacitive Touch technology can detect proximity, gestures and materials, for applications such as power switches or door-opening systems, and it’s served by solutio
Simplified Optical Sensing is Accessible For All Applications
Last Updated
March 15, 2021
This webinar discusses how Renesas makes optical sensing correct, consistent, complete and timely.
Renesas integrate optical biosensing into a complete system solution including field validated clinical grade algorithms.
Train And Run Machine Learning Models Directly At The MCU Level With One Tech’s Micro AI TM Atom
Last Updated
March 15, 2021
ONE Tech’s MicroAI™ technology brings the capability to locally train machine learning anomaly detection models directly on Renesas RA MCUs. This allows for OEMs to reduce data expenditures, while increasing the level of insight into the performance of their assets- without the need of extensive data science.
Improve Sensor Measurement and Accuracy of Telemetry Data for Satellite Systems
Last Updated
February 22, 2021
This webinar will introduce the space community to the newly released ISL73141SEH, which is the first radiation hardened Analog-to-Digital Converter from Renesas. The ISL73141SEH brings to market the highest performance space grade ADC available. This will allow system designers to increase the accuracy of their sensor measurements and improve the accuracy of telemetry data.
Last Updated
February 22, 2021
在这种市场趋势的背景下,安装在这些应用上的微控制器需要更高的集成度、更低的功耗,并且必须更加紧凑。推动这一进步的关键因素是能效更高的新一代32位单芯片微控制器,例如RA2L1/RA2E1 MCU产品群。
在这场网络研讨会中,我们将提供RA2L1/RA2E1 MCU产品群的完整基础知识。我们将介绍:
Blockchain Secured, Endpoint-to-Cloud IoT Management on Renesas RA and RZ
Last Updated
February 18, 2021
Large corporations have suffered damaging and expensive losses from cybersecurity attacks through IoT devices. There are many point-solutions for security, but system architects need a complete endpoint-to-cloud solution. Building on the hardware security foundation in Renesas RA MCUs and RZ MPUs, SmartAxiom uses light embedded blockchain technology to deliver such an endpoint-to-cloud solution in a responsive, scalable, and reliable manner. The SmartAxiom solution also eases mass provisioning, reduces operational costs by minimizing the number of keys and certificates, and satisfies the requirements of a Zero Trust environment. Come join our webinar on February 22, 2021 to learn all about it.
Realizing Autonomous Secure IoT Devices with RX MCU Security Solution
Last Updated
February 08, 2021
The trend towards digitalization and IoT is progressing rapidly in recent years. As a result, our lives have changed to become more convenient and enriched, but the valuable data and information exchanged are facing security threats.
Implementing autonomous security in each IoT device can counter security threats. With Renesas' RX Security solution, the implementation becomes easier than imagined. Implementing security in the MCU will further strengthen the system security as it is the starting point of the IoT device operation.
Learn about the following information from the webinar:
1. Challenges for achieving security
2. RX MCU security solution based on the hardware security function
3. Partner solution supporting the implementation of security functions using the RX MCU
自律的で安全なIoTデバイスを実現するRX MCUセキュリティソリューション
Last Updated
February 08, 2021
この脅威に対抗するためIoTデバイスは自律したセキュリティが必要であり、RX MCUのセキュリティソリューションを活用すればそれを簡単に実現できます。また、IoTデバイスの動作の起点となるMCUを活用したセキュリティの実現は、安全性を強化できます。
2.課題を解決するRX MCUのハードウエアセキュリティ機能を起点としたセキュリティソリューション
3.RX MCUと連携したセキュリティ機能の実現をサポートするパートナーソリューション
通过RX MCU安全解决方案实现自主安全物联网设备
Last Updated
February 08, 2021
2.基于硬件安全功能的RX MCU方案解决了所面临的挑战。
3.合作伙伴基于RX MCU安全功能的安全解决方案
Lowest Active Power Consumption and Highest Performance with the RA Family RA4M2 Group
Last Updated
February 02, 2021
In this webinar, we will explore the newest member of the RA family. The RA4M2 MCUs offer lowest active power and 100MHz performance simultaneously. This is making the RA4M2 Group ideal for an IoT application platform with a rich variety of different end-products all based on the RA family of microcontrollers.
In addition, we will touch on how you can realize Secure Element Functionality and benefit from better performance, unlimited secure key storage, key management, and lower system cost. We study how to get more out of your MCU design through high integration allowing rich connectivity and endless communication options and up to 512kB of code flash. By using the Flexible Software Package (FSP), we will review a quick and versatile way to build secure connected Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
Entry Line Low Power Microcontroller for Cost-Sensitive and Space-Constrained Applications
Last Updated
January 25, 2021
Demand continues to rise dramatically for cost-sensitive and space-constrained applications that do more and perform better while consuming less power. Customers serving consumer devices, industrial sensors, and medical/healthcare markets are striving to produce very low power designs that are smaller and more portable.
In the context of this market trend, microcontrollers mounted on these applications require higher integration, lower power, and must be more compact. The key enablers of such progress are a new generation of 32-bit single chip microcontrollers that are much more power-efficient, such as the RA2L1/RA2E1 MCU groups.
In this webinar, we will provide a complete foundation level understanding of the RA2L1/RA2E1 groups. We will go over:
- Key features and benefits
- The easy-to-use development environment
- Solutions for cost-sensitive and space-constrained applications
省スペース、低コスト化に貢献するルネサスRA ファミリ 新製品エントリーライン 低消費マイクロコントローラ
Last Updated
January 25, 2021
How to Create Smartphone-like User Experiences on Renesas' RA6 Family of MCUs (CHINESE SUBTITLES)
Last Updated
January 22, 2021
User Experience (UX) is a key differentiator for popular products, especially in the consumer market. Smartphone abundance and their slick interfaces have raised the bar for consumer's UX expectations.
Designing, developing, and deploying a high-quality graphical UX that doesn't adversely impact the profit margin or shelf price is a significant challenge.
If a graphics toolkit could deliver smartphone-like UX, and scale across different product lines (from MCUs to MPUs), manufacturers can drive higher sales and reduce costs.
In this webinar, we will discuss how the Qt graphics toolkit can extract excellent performance from a complete range of embedded hardware, focusing on simple microcontrollers. We will explore how a low-cost chip can substitute a higher-end board without any perceptible impact on the UX, and why this is such a big deal.
How to Create Smartphone-like User Experiences on Renesas' RA6 Family of MCUs (JAPANESE SUBTITLES)
Last Updated
January 22, 2021
User Experience (UX) is a key differentiator for popular products, especially in the consumer market. Smartphone abundance and their slick interfaces have raised the bar for consumer's UX expectations.
Designing, developing, and deploying a high-quality graphical UX that doesn't adversely impact the profit margin or shelf price is a significant challenge.
If a graphics toolkit could deliver smartphone-like UX, and scale across different product lines (from MCUs to MPUs), manufacturers can drive higher sales and reduce costs.
In this webinar, we will discuss how the Qt graphics toolkit can extract excellent performance from a complete range of embedded hardware, focusing on simple microcontrollers. We will explore how a low-cost chip can substitute a higher-end board without any perceptible impact on the UX, and why this is such a big deal.
Enabling predictive maintenance & motor control with the Renesas RA6T1 MCU
Last Updated
January 13, 2021
Long gone are the days when designing a motor control application was focused on just getting the motor turning. Engineers are now challenged to add additional features on increasingly complex and multifunctional motor control equipment, while reducing time-to-market, minimizing end-product and maintenance costs, and ensuring safe and secure operation of their designs.
One such feature, predictive maintenance based on AI, has become a common requirement for IoT motor control designs because of its ability to enable preemptive corrective actions, reduce maintenance costs, increase asset life, and ensure safety compliance.
In this webinar, we will explore:
• The RA6T1 single-chip MCU optimized for motor control to help lower overall BOM cost
• A full RA6T1 motor solution to easily evaluate and debug motor control applications and reduce development time and effort
• A predictive maintenance solution with AI using the Google TensorFlow™ Lite for Microcontrollers framework to reduce m
Last Updated
January 13, 2021
RZ/A2Mは、モバイル機器で広く使われているMIPIカメラインタフェースに対応し、HMI(ヒューマン・マシン・インタフェース)の中でもカメラを使ったアプリケーションに適しています。特に、画像処理向けの大きな特長として、入力画像を高速処理する動的再構成プロセッサ (DRP ; Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor)を搭載しています。DRPはRZシリーズの一部製品に内蔵された特殊なハードウェアであり、従来の組込プロセッサに比べ10倍以上高速な画像処理が実現できるアクセラレータとして、家電から産業機器まで幅広いシステムの画像認識アプリケーションに適用できます。本オンラインセミナーでは、世界で最も低価格でDRPに触れられるMbed™対応ボードであるGR-MANGOと、無償提供するFreeRTOS™ベースのソフトウェアパッケージを用いて、同梱するDRP Libraryを活用したリアルタイム画像処理のご紹介と実際の使用方法をレクチャーします。
Last Updated
January 13, 2021
• メンテナンスコストを削減に貢献できる、Google TensorFlow™ Lite for Microcontrollersフレームワークを使用した、エンドポイントAIによる予知保全ソリューションのご紹介
How to Create Smartphone-like User Experiences on Renesas' RA6 Family of MCUs
Last Updated
December 14, 2020
User Experience (UX) is a key differentiator for popular products, especially in the consumer market. Smartphone abundance and their slick interfaces have raised the bar for consumer's UX expectations.
Designing, developing, and deploying a high-quality graphical UX that doesn't adversely impact the profit margin or shelf price is a significant challenge.
If a graphics toolkit could deliver smartphone-like UX, and scale across different product lines (from MCUs to MPUs), manufacturers can drive higher sales and reduce costs.
In this webinar, we will discuss how the Qt graphics toolkit can extract excellent performance from a complete range of embedded hardware, focusing on simple microcontrollers. We will explore how a low-cost chip can substitute a higher-end board without any perceptible impact on the UX, and why this is such a big deal.
1. Welcome Introduction - Andreas Erlebach
Last Updated
December 13, 2020
2. EMEA Keynote - Andreas Hammer
Last Updated
December 13, 2020
3. Track A -Renesas RA Family Solution - Markus Vomfelde
Last Updated
December 13, 2020
3. Track B -Renesas High-end MPU Solutions - Stefano T, Michele B, Stefan U
Last Updated
December 13, 2020
4. Track A -Renesas Security Solutions - Kimberly Dinsmore and David Noverraz
Last Updated
December 13, 2020
4. Track B -Renesas Power Solutions - Markus M., L'Ubomir F
Last Updated
December 13, 2020
5. Tack A - Renesas Capacitive Touch Solutions - Mickael R, Richard W
Last Updated
December 13, 2020
5. Track B - Renesas Sensor Solutions - DN, CM, LF
Last Updated
December 13, 2020
6. Track A -Renesas Energy Harvesting Solutions - Dirk Genius
Last Updated
December 13, 2020
6. Track B - Renesas Motor Control - Suad Jusuf
Last Updated
December 13, 2020
How to Access the Sensor with RA MCU (Anna Schroeter)
Last Updated
December 10, 2020
Learn about Renesas ARM MCU Solutions (Mickael Haudebourg)
Last Updated
December 10, 2020
Live Lab Creation Adding a Simple Emwin GUI and Reading the Sensors (Richard Warner)
Last Updated
December 10, 2020
Live Lab Creation Generate, Build, Download and Run ‘RTOS Blinky’ Project (Richard Warner)
Last Updated
December 10, 2020
Live Lab Creation: Generate, Build, Download and Run ‘RTOS Blinky’ Project (Richard Warner)
Last Updated
December 10, 2020
Live Lab Creation: Use the ZMOD4410 Sensor Together with Air Quality Sensor Kit (Christian Meyer)
Last Updated
December 10, 2020
Renesas High-Performance Gas Sensor Solutions – Get the Background and the Theory (Christian Meyer)
Last Updated
December 10, 2020
Last Updated
December 10, 2020
Welcome & Introduction (Andreas Erlebach)
Last Updated
December 10, 2020
ZMOD Gas Sensor Family: Hardware (Matthias Groening)
Last Updated
December 10, 2020
Breakthrough HMI Challenges with the RX MCU Solution
Last Updated
December 01, 2020
Introducing Renesas' Human Machine Interface (HMI) solution, improving usability for machine-to-human and human-to-machine connections.
In recent years, it has become increasingly common to operate equipment intuitively, without looking at the manual. The demand for contact-less equipment operations has also increased due to COVID-19 pandemic. The HMI requirements have become more complicated and there is a limit to usability improvement in device operation by using hard keys, the mainstream methodology for embedded devices.
In this webinar, we will introduce technologies such as capactive touch keys, contact-less interfaces, and GUI (Graphical User Interface) that holds the keys to breakthrough the current methodology and improve usability. Renesas will address the challenges and solutions for each technology.
RX MCU解决方案使HMI设计挑战带来突破
Last Updated
December 01, 2020
介绍瑞萨人机界面 (HMI) 解决方案,提高人机/机对机连接的可用性。
近年来,直观的界面操作设备越来越普遍,无需查看手册。由于COVID-19大流行,对非接触式设备的需求也增加了。HMI 要求变得更加复杂,使用机械按键(嵌入式设备的主流方法)对设备的操控性改进是有限度。
在此网络研讨会中,我们将介绍诸如触摸按键、非接触式技术和 GUI(图形用户界面)等技术,这些技术是突破当前机械按键方法和提高操控性的关键。瑞萨将针对每种技术提供解决方案。
Last Updated
December 01, 2020
機械と人とのコネクションに対するユーザビリティを向上させる、ルネサスのHMI (Human Machine Interface) ソリューションをご紹介します。
そこで、本オンデマンドセミナーでは、ユーザビリティ向上の鍵となる静電容量タッチキーや非接触インターフェース、GUI (Graphical User Interface) などの技術を紹介し、これらを導入する上での課題に対して、ルネサスが提供するソリューションをご紹介していきます。
Get Your Motor Running in Minutes
Last Updated
November 20, 2020
Motor control designers are faced with many challenges including increasing system and power efficiency, enhancing functionality, maintaining, or even increasing the quality grade and accelerating time-to-market. With such demanding requirements, it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve target pricing while accommodating constantly shrinking development schedules.
In this webinar, we will explore an out-of-the-box motor control solution that fulfills a wide range of various application requirements within the 3-phase BLDC, PMSM, and AC induction motor driven applications. You will learn how the BFG motor control solution with the Renesas RA6T1 MCU enables quick and easy evaluation and development of motor control designs while delivering the highest level of quality and performance.
Key benefits include:
Increased system and power efficiency
Design flexibility
Simplified implementation
Enhanced functionality
Faster time-to-market
Decreased system cost
1. Welcome and Introduction (Andreas Erlebach)
Last Updated
November 03, 2020
2. Learn about Renesas ARM MCU Solutions (Mickael Haudebourg)
Last Updated
November 03, 2020
3. Live Lab Creation - RTOS Blinky, Project, FSP, Sensors (Richard Warner)
Last Updated
November 03, 2020
4. Sensoring - PM Sessions (Christian Meyer, Anna Schroeter, Matthias Groening)
Last Updated
November 03, 2020
ライバル製品に差をつけろ!RZ/A1H 無償GUIソリューション導入セミナー(オンラインセミナー)
Last Updated
October 30, 2020
How to build secure IoT applications with Renesas RA MCUs
Last Updated
October 26, 2020
In this webinar, hardware security expert Cesare Garlati will show how to use Renesas e² Studio IDE and Renesas Flexible Software Package FSP to quickly build fully functional secure IoT firmware for the RA Family of 32-bit MCUs. The secure IoT firmware is based on the innovative MultiZone Trusted Execution Environment optimized for Renesas Cortex-M MCUs with Memory Protection Unit PMP or TrustZone. The webinar covers all software and hardware components necessary to build a complete IoT application that securely controls a robotic arm via a cloud MQTT broker. The e² Studio project includes FSP drivers, the Trusted Execution Environment, TCP/IP connectivity, TLS/ECC cryptography, and MQTT client providing telemetry, and OTA applications deployment and remote firmware updates. The secure IoT firmware is built on free and open standards, its open source components are distributed under permissive licensing for commercial use.
通过支持Arm® TrustZone®的Cortex®-M33内核的RA系列MCU,实现安全芯片功能所带来的益处
Last Updated
October 26, 2020
In this webinar, we will explore the benefits of Secure Element functionality on your embedded designs using the RA6M4 group with Arm TrustZone in concert with the Secure Crypto Engine.
Integrated Secure Element functionality benefits include:
- better performance
- unlimited secure key storage
- key management
- lower BOM cost
In addition, we will explore how to get more out of your MCU design through high integration which allows rich connectivity and endless communication options, and up to 1MB of code flash with dual bank functionality. By using the Flexible Software Package (FSP), we will review a quick and versatile way to build secure connected Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
クラウド接続に不可欠な セキュアエレメント機能をルネサスRAファミリの 新製品で実現してみる
Last Updated
October 20, 2020
Renesas Unveils Industry’s Highest Performance 80V Bidirectional Buck-Boost and Dual-Phase Buck DC/DC Controllers
Last Updated
October 15, 2020
Renesas as one of the top tier semiconductor manufacturers is releasing its latest power management IC solutions for the emerging 48V architecture in 5G telecom, computing and beyond. ISL81801 is a 80V bi-directional buck-boost controller, while ISL81802 is a dual output / two-phase sync buck controller with a lot exciting features. They both have constant current and constant voltage regulation capability, making them ideal for applications like battery charging, renewable energy, automotive power, and other wide input or wide output industrial applications.
Last Updated
October 15, 2020
Using Ultra-Low Iq Buck-Boost Requlation for Always Connected IoT (CHINESE SUBTITLES)
Last Updated
October 08, 2020
The explosive growth of IoT wireless connectivity applications creates a demand for ultra-low power consumption capabilities to drive fast transitions from no load to full load in battery-powered devices. Ultra-low Iq buck-boost regulators are key components for these always connected, low-power IoT devices. This webinar shows examples of design considerations for a variety of ultra-low Iq system designs including wireless earbuds, fitness bands, smart watches, water and gas meters, portable medical devices, as well as battery-powered smart IoT devices.
Using Ultra-Low Iq Buck-Boost Requlation for Always Connected IoT (JAPANESE SUBTITLES)
Last Updated
October 08, 2020
The explosive growth of IoT wireless connectivity applications creates a demand for ultra-low power consumption capabilities to drive fast transitions from no load to full load in battery-powered devices. Ultra-low Iq buck-boost regulators are key components for these always connected, low-power IoT devices. This webinar shows examples of design considerations for a variety of ultra-low Iq system designs including wireless earbuds, fitness bands, smart watches, water and gas meters, portable medical devices, as well as battery-powered smart IoT devices.
Realizing the Benefits of Secure Element Functionality with the RA Family of Cortex-M33 MCUs including TrustZone
Last Updated
September 30, 2020
In this webinar, we will explore the benefits of Secure Element functionality on your embedded designs using the RA6M4 group with Arm TrustZone in concert with the Secure Crypto Engine.
Integrated Secure Element functionality benefits include:
- better performance
- unlimited secure key storage
- key management
- lower BOM cost
In addition, we will explore how to get more out of your MCU design through high integration which allows rich connectivity and endless communication options, and up to 1MB of code flash with dual bank functionality. By using the Flexible Software Package (FSP), we will review a quick and versatile way to build secure connected Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
WattShareTM Technology Design Considerations (Chinese Subtitles)
Last Updated
September 30, 2020
Wireless power sharing or reverse wireless power charging has been prominent in television ads and online promotion, but it’s not just for premium smartphones. See how your wireless power receiver design can change the power flow direction and deliver power to other Qi-certified devices.
In this webinar, Gopi will explain how the WattShareTM feature works, applications of WattShare technology, hardware and software design considerations, and how to prototype your next WattShare design with P9415-R evaluation board.
P9415-R is the world’s first broadly available 15W wireless power receiver with WattShare™ technology, the latest advancement in the Renesas wireless power solutions portfolio. In WattShare mode, the P9415-R delivers up to 5W of power to charge other Qi-certified devices using the same wireless power coil and circuitry to both receive and transmit power wirelessly.
WattShareTM Technology Design Considerations (Japanese Subtitles)
Last Updated
September 30, 2020
Wireless power sharing or reverse wireless power charging has been prominent in television ads and online promotion, but it’s not just for premium smartphones. See how your wireless power receiver design can change the power flow direction and deliver power to other Qi-certified devices.
In this webinar, Gopi will explain how the WattShareTM feature works, applications of WattShare technology, hardware and software design considerations, and how to prototype your next WattShare design with P9415-R evaluation board.
P9415-R is the world’s first broadly available 15W wireless power receiver with WattShare™ technology, the latest advancement in the Renesas wireless power solutions portfolio. In WattShare mode, the P9415-R delivers up to 5W of power to charge other Qi-certified devices using the same wireless power coil and circuitry to both receive and transmit power wirelessly.
Realizing the Benefits of Secure Element Functionality with the RA Family of Cortex-M33 MCUs including TrustZone
Last Updated
September 23, 2020
In this webinar, we will explore the benefits of Secure Element functionality on your embedded designs using the RA6M4 group with Arm TrustZone in concert with the Secure Crypto Engine.
Integrated Secure Element functionality benefits include:
- better performance
- unlimited secure key storage
- key management
- lower BOM cost
In addition, we will explore how to get more out of your MCU design through high integration which allows rich connectivity and endless communication options, and up to 1MB of code flash with dual bank functionality. By using the Flexible Software Package (FSP), we will review a quick and versatile way to build secure connected Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
Last Updated
September 23, 2020
故障時にも安全レベルを維持することを目指す産業分野では「機能安全」の重要性が高まっています。 これは、プラント運転中の故障や事故、オペレーターの負傷、および関連する経済的損失の悪影響を防ぐためです。 欧州連合の安全指令や多くの国の安全関連法では、機能安全基準を満たすための機器が必要です。
ルネサスは、機能安全規格の適用が多くの産業分野に拡大するにつれ、開発期間とお客様の負担を軽減するために、TUVラインランドによる認証済み 機能安全ソリューションと開発ツールを提供しています(IEC61508 )。
wolfSSL is RA Ready to Secure Your Device (and 2 Billion More!)
Last Updated
September 23, 2020
Please join wolfSSL as they take you through the challenges and successes of securing applications, devices, IoT and the cloud.
Today, security is at the heart of IoT—a web of connected devices and applications. Utilizing wolfSSL’s expertise in securing over 2 billion connections worldwide, the wolfSSL product portfolio offers customers optimal performance, rapid integration, standards compliance, hardware crypto support and Engineering support up to the 24x7 level. wolfSSL takes pride in being the most comprehensively tested and supported cryptography available.
In this session, users will learn how wolfSSL's products are designed for quick and easy integration with an RA Ready project. The integration allows users the ability to leverage hardware crypto solutions, and support for the most current standards. All products are designed for ease-of-use with clean APIs and are backed by a dedicated and responsive support and development team.
Last Updated
September 23, 2020
“功能安全性”在工业领域中变得越来越重要,其目的是即使发生故障也要保持安全水平。 这是为了防止在工厂运行期间发生故障和事故,对操作人员造成伤害以及相关的财务损失的负面影响。 欧盟安全指令和许多国家/地区的安全相关法律要求设备符合功能安全标准。
瑞萨提供了TUV Rheinland认证的功能安全解决方案和开发工具 (IEC61508 ),以减少开发时间并减轻客户负担,因为功能安全标准的应用已扩展到许多行业。
Realizing your “Root of Trust” Security into your IoT devices for Tomorrow!
Last Updated
September 18, 2020
Please join this unique and latest webinar co-hosted by Renesas and wolfSSL. This session will illustrate how Renesas’s new RX products and Trusted Secure IP (TSIP) can help you implement robust security and how that align with wolfSSL, TLS 1.3 supported embedded SSL/TLS library. In this session, we also show the most recent benchmarking data of wolfSSL comparing that as software implementation versus that is with TSIP hardware acceleration.
1. Introducing Renesas RX MCU with dedicated security hardware ‘Trusted Secure IP’ features - By Renesas
2. Experiencing the outstanding security performance of RX MCU with wolfSSL’s SSL/TLS security - By wolfSSL
Raising the Safety Bar in Industrial Drives with TUV Certified Industrial Automation Functional Safety Solutions
Last Updated
September 15, 2020
Functional safety in the industrial field is a high priority. This is to prevent the adverse effect of breakdowns and accidents inside plant operation, injuries to operators, and the associated economic losses. The European Union’s Machinery Directive and workplace safety laws, in many countries, require equipment to meet functional safety standards. To reduce the development time and burden on customers, as the application of functional safety standards is extended to many industrial fields, Renesas offers functional safety solutions and development tools certified by TUV Rheinland (IEC61508).
In this webinar, find out more about the latest Renesas Functional Safety Solution overview together with the application example for industrial drives (AC Drive, GP Inverter).
Last Updated
September 09, 2020
本セミナーでは、ルネサス製品RZ/Tをはじめとする様々なデバイスの組み込みソフトウェア開発に必要な機能を包括的に統合した、新しいArm純正統合開発環境「Arm® Development Studio」についてご紹介します。さらに、システムのふるまいの評価やデバックができる、DTSインサイト社製 RAM計測ツール「EVRICA」を使った動的検証の手法についてご紹介します。デバッグでお困りな方や開発効率upの手法をお探しの方は是非ご覧ください。
Last Updated
September 09, 2020
IoTやインダストリー4.0などの自動化プロセスは、工業生産の未来への鍵です。自動化プロセスを持つアプリケーションを構築するには、M2M通信が必要です。産業用イーサネットプロトコルと呼ばれる標準化された通信プロトコルが全てのデバイスに搭載される事になります。これらのプロトコルは、例えばドイツの"NAMUR"(User Association of Automation Technology in Process Industries)のような標準の要求事項に満たすことができます。
1) ライセンスの費用無しで、複数のプロトコルをサポート
2) 標準的なハードウェア、ソフトウェアインターフェースによりインプリを容易化
3) 認証確認済みプロトコルスタック、サンプルアプリケーション、管理ツールにより開発期間を短縮
R-IN32M3 Moduleは、これらの要件を満たしています。また、ルネサスのASSP製品への移行も容易です。
R-IN32M3 Module並びにソフトウェアパッケージを含むソリューションキット(評価キット)は、お客様に「一石三鳥」のソリューションを提供致します。
Last Updated
September 09, 2020
物联网或工业 4.0 等自动化流程被确定为工业生产未来的关键。构建具有自动化流程的应用需要机器到机器的通信,这将意味着所有未来的设备能够通过工业以太网的标准化协议进行通信。这些协议满足了终端用户组织(如 Namur:德国测量与控制标准委员会)的要求,实现易于调试和设备更换。
1.) 低入门门槛的多协议解决方案和包括协议许可证
2.) 由于是标准硬件和软件接口,易于实现并方便移植
3.) 通过工具、软件包和认证可以实现产品的快速上市
瑞萨 R-IN32M3 工业以太网模块解决方案可以完全满足这些要求。模块硬件配置双端口 RJ45 ,该端口提供顺利移植到瑞萨 ASSP 芯片的途径。借助解决方案套件和相应的软件包,瑞萨 R-IN32M3 模块可以实现“一石三鸟”的解决方案。
Last Updated
September 07, 2020
高度集成的电池前端简化了36V +电池组的设计
Last Updated
September 07, 2020
瑞萨ISL94216通过将所有模拟保护,监视,报告和平衡电路整合到一个设备中,从而解决了36V +电池的集成需求。 这种高度集成的电池前端IC可以实现安全,快速的电池开发,该IC通过集成省去了许多BOM选择和PCB尺寸,并且现在在IC级别上可以解决许多PCB验证和测试难题。
WattShareTM Technology Design Considerations
Last Updated
September 04, 2020
Reverse wireless power charging has been prominent in television ads and online promotion, but it’s not just for premium smartphones. See how your wireless power receiver design can change power flow direction and deliver power to other Qi-certified devices.
The P9415-R is the world’s first broadly available 15W wireless power receiver with WattShare™ technology, the latest advancement in the Renesas wireless power solutions portfolio. In WattShare or reverse wireless charging mode, the P9415-R delivers up to 5W of power to charge other Qi-certified devices using the same wireless power coil and circuitry to both receive and transmit power wirelessly. This enables a whole new frontier of wireless charging experiences in smartphones, power banks, and portable industrial and medical equipment. Using P9415-R WattShare technology , powerbanks can include both wireless power receiver and transmitter functions at a low cost.
How to Build IoT Devices without Battery Maintenance
Last Updated
September 01, 2020
Although the IoT device market is expected to expand increasingly in the future, there are still various problems faced, such as the time and cost needed to charge and replace batteries and the difficulty in achieving high functionality with limited current supply capacity. Certified by the EEMBC, the RE Family solves these problems as the world's most energy efficient MCU. It combines ultra-low power consumption and high-speed operation features.
In this webinar, we will introduce the features, values, and evaluation kits of the RE Family supporting the implementation of IoT devices without battery maintenance.
Ultra-Low Iq Buck-Boost Requlator for Always Connected IoT
Last Updated
August 28, 2020
Ultra-low Iq buck-boost regulators are key components of always connected, low-power IoT devices. This webinar shows examples of design considerations for a buck-boost converter critical for ultra-low Iq designs.
Last Updated
August 27, 2020
Getting Started with C-Trust and IP Protection
Last Updated
August 26, 2020
Injecting security into an existing product can be costly and arduous, and the task of protecting your application needs to be solved in a satisfying and uncomplicated way. In this webinar, we will explore how to enable security into your software development flow with just a few steps. Security just moved from a specialist capability into mainstream development! Learn in a practical way how to implement security in your embedded application with C-Trust and Renesas RA devices.
This webinar is for anyone interested in learning about security or needing to implement security in embedded systems.
Getting Started with C-Trust and IP Protection (JAPANESE SUBTITLES)
Last Updated
August 26, 2020
Injecting security into an existing product can be costly and arduous, and the task of protecting your application needs to be solved in a satisfying and uncomplicated way. In this webinar, we will explore how to enable security into your software development flow with just a few steps. Security just moved from a specialist capability into mainstream development! Learn in a practical way how to implement security in your embedded application with C-Trust and Renesas RA devices.
This webinar is for anyone interested in learning about security or needing to implement security in embedded systems.
Highly Integrated Front End Simplifies Design for 36V+ Battery Packs
Last Updated
August 26, 2020
Renesas ISL94216 solves the integration requirements for 36V+ batteries by bringing all the analog protection, monitoring, reporting and balancing circuits into a single device. Safe, rapid battery development is enabled from this highly integrated battery front end IC, which elminates many BOM selections and PCB size through integration, and many PCB verification and test challenges are now pre-addressed at the IC level.
Three birds with one stone
Last Updated
August 26, 2020
Automated processes such as IoT or Industry 4.0 are identified as the keys to the future of the industrial production. A machine to machine communication will be necessary to build applications having automated processes and this will enforce all future devices to be able to communicate through standardized protocols known as Industrial Ethernet Protocols. These protocols fulfill the requirements of End-user organizations like the Namur which is easy commissioning and device replacement.
A module approach is ideal to reduce development effort on the implementation of the Hardware interface, as well as the Industrial Ethernet Protocols to as low as possible, with the following offerings:
1.) Low entry barrier with a multiprotocol solution and all license include
2.) Easy implementation and migration path because standard hardware and software interfaces
3.) Fast time to market with tools, software package and certifications
【第2弾】GR-ROSE(RX65N)で試すSSL/TLSとハードウェア暗号化 --RX65N/TSIPの実力を試してみよう--
Last Updated
August 03, 2020
Trusted Secure IP(TSIP)は、ルネサス製RX/RZファミリに搭載されたハードウェア暗号エンジンです。
Ethernet for Industrial Applications (CHINESE SUBTITLES)
Last Updated
August 03, 2020
Long before the birth of Industry 4.0 Ethernet based communication networks had been introduced to the world of Industrial Automation and Process Control applications. With I4.0 the border between the different Ethernet domains are blurring. But what makes Industrial Ethernet so specific, what are the standards used today and why is the new TSN standard so important? This webinar explains the basics.
Ethernet for Industrial Applications (JAPANESE SUBTITLES)
Last Updated
August 03, 2020
Long before the birth of Industry 4.0 Ethernet based communication networks had been introduced to the world of Industrial Automation and Process Control applications. With I4.0 the border between the different Ethernet domains are blurring. But what makes Industrial Ethernet so specific, what are the standards used today and why is the new TSN standard so important? This webinar explains the basics.
グラフィカルUIミドルウェア「Aeropoint GUI for RX」組み込み実践 オンラインセミナー
Last Updated
August 03, 2020
「Aeropoint GUI for RX」は、RXマイコンを使った組み込み機器のグラフィカルUI(GUI)の部品配置を、普段から使い慣れた「PowerPoint®」で行うことで、誰にでもGUIの制作を可能にします。
今回、RXマイコンの機能をフルに引き出すこの「Aeropoint GUI for RX」を使い、講師によるリファレンスキットの操作を交えながらGUIの制作・評価をお見せするセミナーです。
How to Integrate Wireless Charging into Earbud Cases?
Last Updated
July 27, 2020
How to Conserve Battery Power in IoT Devices (Chinese Subtitles)
Last Updated
July 13, 2020
Trends in battery operated IoT devices require increased battery consumption efficiency. This webinar examines cases for consumer and industrial applications where battery life can be extended using different power management techniques.
How to Conserve Battery Power in IoT Devices (Japanese Subtitles)
Last Updated
July 13, 2020
Trends in battery operated IoT devices require increased battery consumption efficiency. This webinar examines cases for consumer and industrial applications where battery life can be extended using different power management techniques.
組み込み機器のセキュリティ対策セミナー ~IoTセキュリティ対策の基礎を学びVxWorks®で具体例を理解~
Last Updated
July 03, 2020
Simulating Touch and Analog Layouts with CapExt
Last Updated
July 01, 2020
Capacitive touch can be hard. With CapExt we have tried to fix this. In this webinar you will see how CapExt can easily simulate a whole PCB with minimal user interaction in just a few minutes, and how this can be used to make better capacitive touch, saving months of prototyping and possible in-field issues later. CapExt is built for electrical engineers, you only need to provide design files such as Gerbers, and CapExt will handle the rest for you.
Advanced Lasting Data-Retention Endurance Without Battery Back-Up (Japanese Subtitles)
Last Updated
June 29, 2020
An MRAM is a non-volatile Magnetoresistive Random-Access Memory. It stores data in a magnetic domain, unlike other RAM that stores in the form of electrical charge or current. Compared to other non-volatile technologies, MRAM excels in applications that require lower power and fast access to back-up data retrieval.
Renesas offers the next generation of MRAM technology with the M1000/M3000 family series. With greater than 20 years of data retention and large memory density, the M1000/M3000 series fills growing non-volatile application needs.
In this webinar, find out how MRAM compares to other memory technologies and key parameters that make it a better choice for your system.
Ethernet for Industrial Applications
Last Updated
June 26, 2020
Long before the birth of Industry 4.0 Ethernet based communication networks had been introduced to the world of Industrial Automation and Process Control applications. With I4.0 the border between the different Ethernet domains are blurring. But what makes Industrial Ethernet so specific, what are the standards used today and why is the new TSN standard so important? This webinar explains the basics.
Renesas 5G Sub-6GHz RF solution (CN)
Last Updated
June 23, 2020
Renesas has a complete portfolio of RF small signal devices for 5G sub-6GHz applications. While developing new technologies and products to meet changing market requirements, Renesas is committed to the continued support of its established broad product portfolio of standard RF products for our customers. This webinard will provide an overview of recently released products designed to help customer optimize their 5G sub-6GHz system designs with increased performance and reduced costs.
Renesas 5G Sub-6GHz RF solution (EN)
Last Updated
June 23, 2020
Renesas has a complete portfolio of RF small signal devices for 5G sub-6GHz applications. While developing new technologies and products to meet changing market requirements, Renesas is committed to the continued support of its established broad product portfolio of standard RF products for our customers. This webinard will provide an overview of recently released products designed to help customer optimize their 5G sub-6GHz system designs with increased performance and reduced costs.
How to Conserve Battery Power in IoT Devices
Last Updated
June 19, 2020
Trends in battery operated IoT devices require increased battery consumption efficiency. This webinar examines cases for consumer and industrial applications where battery life can be extended using different power mamangement techniques.
A new era in motor commutation
Last Updated
June 18, 2020
Inductive position sensing is changing the game for industrial motor commutation as demands for high performance, high efficiency, and cost efficiency increase, particularly for multi-sector applications.
The IPS2200 is a magnet-free, inductive position sensor IC that can be used for high-speed motor commutation as an absolute position sensor in industrial, medical, and consumer applications.
Stray filed immunity, through-shaft capability, lower weight and smaller size, as well as a substantial BOM optimization make the IPS2200 the ideal alternative for resolver replacement.
In this webinar, you will learn:
-How sensors are used in motor commutation
-The value of inductive position sensors and what problems they solve
-Benefits of using the IPS2200 for motor commutation applications
A new era in motor commutation (CHINESE SUBTITLES)
Last Updated
June 18, 2020
Inductive position sensing is changing the game for industrial motor commutation as demands for high performance, high efficiency, and cost efficiency increase, particularly for multi-sector applications.
The IPS2200 is a magnet-free, inductive position sensor IC that can be used for high-speed motor commutation as an absolute position sensor in industrial, medical, and consumer applications.
Stray filed immunity, through-shaft capability, lower weight and smaller size, as well as a substantial BOM optimization make the IPS2200 the ideal alternative for resolver replacement.
In this webinar, you will learn:
-How sensors are used in motor commutation
-The value of inductive position sensors and what problems they solve
-Benefits of using the IPS2200 for motor commutation applications
A new era in motor commutation (JAPANESE SUBTITLES)
Last Updated
June 18, 2020
Inductive position sensing is changing the game for industrial motor commutation as demands for high performance, high efficiency, and cost efficiency increase, particularly for multi-sector applications.
The IPS2200 is a magnet-free, inductive position sensor IC that can be used for high-speed motor commutation as an absolute position sensor in industrial, medical, and consumer applications.
Stray filed immunity, through-shaft capability, lower weight and smaller size, as well as a substantial BOM optimization make the IPS2200 the ideal alternative for resolver replacement.
In this webinar, you will learn:
-How sensors are used in motor commutation
-The value of inductive position sensors and what problems they solve
-Benefits of using the IPS2200 for motor commutation applications
Last Updated
June 17, 2020
コンパイル環境にe2 studioを使い、wolfSSLとその簡単なサンプルプログラムのソースコードをコンパイル、RX65Nを搭載した評価ボードGR-Roseの上で動作させてみます。自社製品にSSL/TLSあるいは暗号化機能の搭載を検討しているエンジニアの方々に、仕組みと使い方を40分で紹介いたします。
Last Updated
June 16, 2020
Last Updated
June 16, 2020
Securing the Internet of Medical Things with Cypherbridge
Last Updated
May 27, 2020
Solving the problem of security in your next IoT design has never been easier with the Cypherbridge SDKPac bundle and Toolkits now integrated and tested on the Renesas RA MCU product line. Cypherbridge design services include product and system integration, and full stack cloud computing. SDKPac is an RA Ready solution to help accelerate time to market, making it easy for customers to securely connect Renesas MCU designs to the internet and for endpoint and edge systems as well.
RX23W Mesh Network Applicable for Smart Home (Chinese Subtitles)
Last Updated
May 22, 2020
Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) has three main topology options to connect devices. The first option is a point-to-point topology, connecting one-to-one device communication optimized for data transfer and widely used in health management equipment. The second option is a broadcast topology, connecting one-to-many device communications and is ideal for direction searching. The third option is a Mesh topology, connecting many-to-many device communications optimized to control, monitor, and automate multiple systems securely, which is suitable to the current lifestyles that focus on convenience and efficiency.
In our webinar, we are going to deep dive into the Mesh topology data transfer method which will demonstrate integration into a generic system. We will also show how to use the RX23W, the first MCU Group to support full functionality of Bluetooth Low Energy, and its complementary Bluetooth Mesh Software Package to develop a Smart Home with Mesh topology.
Last Updated
May 22, 2020
Bluetooth®Low Energyには、デバイスを接続するための3つの主要なトポロジオプションがあります。 最初のオプションはポイントツーポイントトポロジで、データ転送用に最適化され、ヘルス管理機器で広く使用されている1対1のデバイス通信を接続します。2番目のオプションはブロードキャストトポロジで、1対多のデバイス通信を接続し、方向検索に最適です。 3番目のオプションはメッシュトポロジで、複数のシステムを安全に制御、監視、自動化するために最適化された多対多のデバイス通信を接続します。これは、利便性と効率性に重点を置く現在のライフスタイルに適しています。 本セミナーでは、一般的なシステムへの統合を示すメッシュトポロジデータ転送方法について詳しく説明します。また、Bluetooth Low Energyの全機能をサポートするRX23Wと、メッシュトポロジを備えたスマートホームを開発するための補完的なBluetooth Meshソフトウェアパッケージの使用方法も示します。
Advanced Lasting Data-Retention Endurance Without Battery Back-Up
Last Updated
May 20, 2020
An MRAM is a non-volatile Magnetoresistive Random-Access Memory. It stores data in a magnetic domain, unlike other RAM that stores in the form of electrical charge or current. Compared to other non-volatile technologies, MRAM excels in applications that require lower power and fast access to back-up data retrieval.
Renesas offers the next generation of MRAM technology with the M1000/M3000 family series. With greater than 20 years of data retention and large memory density, the M1000/M3000 series fills growing non-volatile application needs.
In this webinar, find out how MRAM compares to other memory technologies and key parameters that make it a better choice for your system.
Renesas RX Wireless Solution for Today's IOT Society - Introduction to RX Wireless Connectivity from edge to cloud
Last Updated
May 20, 2020
In the IoT society such as industrial automation and smart homes, the trend is to collect various information from sensors and other information into the cloud to create new databases. Therefore, wireless connectivity is a very important feature/function for IoT application.
With the technology changing rapidly, there are many challenges and issues in setting up an IoT solution from sensor node to gateway and connects to the cloud. In this webinar, Renesas will introduce ways to reduce the complex product development and shorten development time with RX wireless connectivity solutions and how to overcome the challenges and issues face by most design engineers.
Securing your IP and protecting sensitive data with Renesas MCUs (Chinese Subtitles)
Last Updated
May 19, 2020
Functioning as the next webinar in this series, we will give more detailed guidelines and advice on how to protect data on the microcontroller, which is often unchanged, but stored long-term. Different use cases and data types demand varying security implementations. Potential security threats will also have certain influence on security implementation. With this webinar, a developer should be able to make a plan for their own project and implement the mandatory security measures.
Securing your IP and protecting sensitive data with Renesas MCUs (Japanese Subtitles)
Last Updated
May 19, 2020
Functioning as the next webinar in this series, we will give more detailed guidelines and advice on how to protect data on the microcontroller, which is often unchanged, but stored long-term. Different use cases and data types demand varying security implementations. Potential security threats will also have certain influence on security implementation. With this webinar, a developer should be able to make a plan for their own project and implement the mandatory security measures.
Automating Machine Learning/AI for RA MCUs with Qeexo AutoML
Last Updated
May 08, 2020
In this session, users will learn how Qeexo’s AutoML machine learning platform transforms the embedded AI (Artificial Intelligence) development process without users having to code. Qeexo AutoML is a fully-automated, end-to-end machine learning platform that builds lightweight machine learning solutions (tinyML) running locally on constrained environments such as a Cortex Arm M4 MCU. It augments the user experience and applicability of products like the RA Family of MCUs, adding intelligence with AI for many applications including Wearables, Industrial, Mobile, Smart Home/Appliance and other IoT markets.
HVAC Systems Monitoring Air Quality
Last Updated
May 08, 2020
Poor air quality can impact an individual's health and wellness, as well as the global economy. There is currently a lack of sufficient equipment in the consumer market addressing this issue and little expertise on how to design for air quality systems.
We will walk through sensing solutions and technologies that integrate features and capabilities to measure air quality for smart HVAC systems.
In this webinar, we will cover:
-How to define parameters for air quality
-How HVAC systems can be used to monitor and respond to Indoor Air Quality & Outdoor Air Quality changes (ie: detecting gas levels for CO2, TVOC, NOx, O3)
-Design ideas and solutions to help customers get to market faster
Protecting Sensitive Data in Medical IoT Devices
Last Updated
May 06, 2020
The Internet of Things (IoT) has facilitated significant advancements in the way healthcare providers deliver care to their patients. As the dependence on connected medical devices such as blood glucose monitors, pulse oximeters, asthma inhalers, and other wearables increases, so does the risk for cyber-attacks and unlawful acquisition of patient data being transmitted through these medical IoT devices. Learn how the RA4W1 provides the security needed to combat these cyber threats in medical IoT devices.
In this webinar we will explore:
• How Bluetooth technology is used in medical IoT devices to
o Help administer medication
o Diagnose injuries
o Transmit critical information securely from patients to providers
• How RA4W1’s Secure Crypto Engine can protect personal data
RX23W Mesh Network Applicable for Smart Home
Last Updated
April 28, 2020
Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) has three main topology options to connect devices. The first option is a point-to-point topology, connecting one-to-one device communication optimized for data transfer and widely used in health management equipment. The second option is a broadcast topology, connecting one-to-many device communications and is ideal for direction searching. The third option is a Mesh topology, connecting many-to-many device communications optimized to control, monitor, and automate multiple systems securely, which is suitable to the current lifestyles that focus on convenience and efficiency.
In our webinar, we are going to deep dive into the Mesh topology data transfer method which will demonstrate integration into a generic system. We will also show how to use the RX23W, the first MCU Group to support full functionality of Bluetooth Low Energy, and its complementary Bluetooth Mesh Software Package to develop a Smart Home with Mesh topology.
Renesas' Winning Combinations Provide You with Comprehensive Solutions
Last Updated
April 24, 2020
Renesas' complementary product portfolios of Analog + Power + Embedded Processing are working together to deliver comprehensive solutions. Our product experts have developed reference designs called "Winning Combinations," compelling product combinations that help our customers accelerate their designs and go to market faster. These Winning Combinations focus on verticals, including industrial, infrastructure, building automation, health/medical and consumer segments to service more customers and partners worldwide.
In this webinar, attendees will learn:
-How Winning Combinations will help customer design challenges
-Where to find the Winning Combinations & what segments they cover
-How to contact Renesas about Winning Combinations
Bringing outstanding real-time performance, network, and HMI to industrial automation equipment
Last Updated
April 20, 2020
The latest RX 32-bit microcontrollers - RX72M, RX72N, and RX66N - realize equipment control and network function with a single chip for applications requiring high real-time performance, such as industrial robots, general-purpose inverters, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and remote I/Os.
Join us in this webinar to find out how the latest RX MCUs bring you outstanding real-time performance, network, and HMI functions with the following key features:
- Industry's fastest on-chip flash memory with read operations at 120MHz
- 4MB on-chip flash memory and 1MB on-chip SRAM, eliminating the need of external memory that slows down the read-speeds
- Single-chip solution to support high-resolution graphics and wired/wireless network due to large on-chip memory
Last Updated
April 20, 2020
最新的RX 32位微控制器RX72M,RX72N和RX66N可通过单个芯片实现设备控制和网络功能,以用于需要高实时性能的应用,例如工业机器人,通用变频器,可编程逻辑控制器(PLC), 和远程I / O。
Last Updated
April 20, 2020
最新のRX 32ビットマイコンRX72M、RX72N、RX66Nは、産業用ロボット、汎用インバータ、プログラマブルロジックコントローラ(PLC)、リモートI/Oなどの高いリアルタイム性能を必要とするアプリケーションにおいて、機器の制御とネットワーク機能をシングルチップで実現します。
- 業界最速クラスの120MHzの読み出し動作が可能な内蔵フラッシュメモリ
- 4MBのフラッシュメモリと1MBのSRAMを内蔵しているため、読み出し速度の遅い外部メモリの接続が不要
- 大容量の内蔵SRAMにより、高解像度グラフィックスと有線/無線ネットワークをシングルチップで実現可能
Security for the Connected World with Renesas MCUs (CHINESE SUBTITLES)
Last Updated
April 17, 2020
In today's connected world, security is a hot topic. But what does "security" mean for microcontrollers and the products that incorporate them? Governments and other regulatory bodies are drafting laws and specifications designed to protect consumers, but how does this impact the MCU realm? Please join us for an introduction to the practical application of security concepts, specifically targeted for microcontrollers.
Security for the Connected World with Renesas MCUs (JAPANESE SUBTITLES)
Last Updated
April 17, 2020
In today's connected world, security is a hot topic. But what does "security" mean for microcontrollers and the products that incorporate them? Governments and other regulatory bodies are drafting laws and specifications designed to protect consumers, but how does this impact the MCU realm? Please join us for an introduction to the practical application of security concepts, specifically targeted for microcontrollers.
Security for the Connected World with Renesas MCUs (TRADITIONAL CHINESE SUBTITLES)
Last Updated
April 17, 2020
In today's connected world, security is a hot topic. But what does "security" mean for microcontrollers and the products that incorporate them? Governments and other regulatory bodies are drafting laws and specifications designed to protect consumers, but how does this impact the MCU realm? Please join us for an introduction to the practical application of security concepts, specifically targeted for microcontrollers.
Security for the Connected World with Renesas MCUs (ENGLISH)
Last Updated
April 16, 2020
In today's connected world, security is a hot topic. But what does "security" mean for microcontrollers and the products that incorporate them? Governments and other regulatory bodies are drafting laws and specifications designed to protect consumers, but how does this impact the MCU realm? Please join us for an introduction to the practical application of security concepts, specifically targeted for microcontrollers.
Percepio Device Firmware Monitor
Last Updated
April 15, 2020
Personal Medication Adherence
Last Updated
April 15, 2020
Personal Medication Adherence (PMA), or lack of PMA compliance, is a $337 billion problem annually in the U.S. that bogs down our healthcare system. Patients forget to take or may confuse their medication, which can result in being readmitted to the hospital, a skilled nursing home or assisted-living facility, or with another visit to the doctor’s office. The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has brought various technologies to the forefront that, when applied to PMA devices, can help resolve some of the issues we currently face. The webinar discusses the mandates, opportunities and solutions for Personal Medication Adherence.
Realize truly compact, secure IoT connectivity modules with easy firmware updates
Last Updated
April 15, 2020
The explosive growth of the IoT and Industry 4.0 has sparked the need for higher performance, smaller form factor connectivity modules that support the various security aspects required with IoT connectivity—such as confidentiality, data integrity and availability. The RX651 delivers on this need with smaller MCU package sizes that are ideal for compact IoT applications, without compromising performance, The 64-pin RX651 MCUs give customers the small footprint, high performance, and security features they need to safeguard their connected industrial and manufacturing systems against cyber-attacks.
Securing your IP and protecting sensitive data with Renesas MCUs
Last Updated
March 27, 2020
As the next webinar of this row we will give more detailed guidelines and advices how to protect data on the microcontroller which is not changed frequently but stored for long time. The different use cases and data types demand different security implementations and also the potential security threads will have certain influence on the security implementation. Based on the webinar a developer should be able to make a plan for his own project and implement the mandatory security ingrediens to realize this plan.
Last Updated
March 11, 2020
使用Renesas的宽带18 GHz毫米波射频合成器改进您的高性能设计。8V97003器件是毫米波和波束形成应用的理想本地振荡器(LO),或高速数据转换器的精密参考时钟。该设备提供了优异的交流性能,改善了系统特性,如在射频应用中的信噪比和EVM,以及在数据转换器应用中的SFDR。
Improving High Performance RF Designs with Wideband mmWave Synthesizers
Last Updated
March 04, 2020
Improve your high performance designs with Renesas' wideband, 18 GHz mmWave RF synthesizer. The 8V97003 device is ideal as a local oscillator (LO) for mmWave and beamforming applications, or a precision reference clock for a high-speed data converter. The device offers excellent AC performance improving system characteristics such as SNR and EVM in radio applications, and SFDR in data converter applications.
This webinar explores: Benefits of using the 8V97003 for 5G and radio applications | Key performance testing results | Benefits for target applications | Tools for rapid prototyping.
PCle Gen5 Webinar
Last Updated
March 01, 2020
Renesas PCI Express (PCIe) Timing solutions save product development time and money by implementing “Future-Proofing”. Future-Proofing means designing a device for use over multiple product generations, and it also means maintaining footprint compatibility if next-generation applications need a new device. This webinar explores: the concept of Future-Proofing, the benefits of Future-Proofing and how Renesas implements Future-Proofing for PCI Express timing devices. Register to learn how Renesas PCIe Timing solutions can reduce design time and development costs for your PCIe designs.
Renesas Synergy S5D3 Webinar
Last Updated
March 01, 2020
Have you been challenged by your management to design a state-of-the-art IOT solution? Are you searching for the right microcontroller to be used? You don’t want to make any trade-offs, but enjoy large memory, high security, and easy use? The new S5D3 32-bit MCU of the Synergy Platform, combined with the full Renesas Synergy Software package, allows you to start with zero upfront investment. Join the webinar and find out how the new S5D3 can help you.
Simplify Maintenance Failure Detection with e-AI (RX66T) Webinar
Last Updated
March 01, 2020
Embedded AI (e-AI) makes motor control more intelligent. In this example, one Renesas MCU realizes motor control and fault detection simultaneously. The e-AI discovers a failure due to an abnormal load condition of the motor. The abnormal load condition is detected by monitoring the current and rotation speed by a so-called inference model representing a trained neuronal network.
ZMOD Webinar
Last Updated
March 01, 2020
An outdoor air quality sensor (also known as an OAQ sensor) is a device used to measure the air quality outside of buildings, as it relates to the overall health and wellness of individuals who make contact with outdoor gases. Typical applications include HVAC dampers, smart city infrastructure, heath & wearable's as well as industrial monitoring devices. Renesas offers a line of miniature, digital output and calibrated sensors that detect specific gases that contribute to unhealthy air quality. In addition to indoor air quality and refrigeration air quality, the ZMOD4510 detects ozone (O3) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) contributing to outdoor air pollution. By measuring these gases and using a rating scale to define levels of air quality, these sensors provide vital information that help systems efficiently manage smart air handling systems in buildings, factories, and the home.
RL78 Quick Solutions Webinar
Last Updated
February 18, 2020
The RL78 Quick Solutions demonstrate how RL78 low power MCUs combined with Renesas' analog and power products can create high-performance solutions for a wide variety of applications. The RL78 Quick Solutions are easy-to-build reference designs that include a user manual, sample or source code, circuit diagrams, and PCB and BOM information that can help your product development.
RX65N Cloud Kit Webinar
Last Updated
February 18, 2020
"Free Technical Webinar: Cloud Connectivity using AWS and the new RX65N Cloud Kit"
* Are you an active user of Amazon FreeRTOS for your MCU designs?
* Are you concerned about support and qualification of FreeRTOS?
* Are you struggling with the challenge of getting your IOT devices to talk to the Cloud?
* Are you having difficulty accessing and understanding the complex Cloud partner requirements?
* Are you concerned over the costs of accessing the Cloud for IOT prototyping?
* Are you looking for an easy-to-use kit that can get your devices connected right away?
Introducing qualification and support of FreeRTOS along with a FreeRTOS-qualified Smart Configurator for RX devices. In addition, we are introducing the new new RX65N Cloud Kit which can simplify the process of getting connected to the cloud using Amazon Web Services (AWS).
The kit comes with everything you'll need to enable fast prototyping of your system and get data sent to the Cloud.
P9222-R for Battery Charging Cases Webinar
Last Updated
February 18, 2020
True wireless stereo (TWS) earbuds are getting very popular as more mobile phones eliminate the audio jack. By wearing tiny earbuds, consumers can conveniently listen to music, take phone calls, and avoid getting tangled in their wired headsets. With the small device sizes, it is not practical to charge the tiny earbuds directly so many manufacturers are designing battery cases to both store and charge them. Consumers will benefit from a truly wireless experience when those cases can be charged on any Qi-certified wireless charger or WattshareTM-enabled smartphone. This webinar explores how the features of P9222-R ultra-compact, highly efficient wireless power receiver and how it benefits low-power applications such as battery charging cases.
RZ2AM Dynamic Reconfiguration AI Webinar
Last Updated
February 18, 2020
“Technology and hardware suppliers are marching with conviction toward AI with existing architectures and early market solutions, but the journey will be met with challenges and opportunities. OT vendors are at the start of their business transformation, and what they need from their partners is no longer just products and technology. OT vendors are buying into road maps, not chips — buying a journey not a point solution. “(IDC: Embedded Artificial Intelligence: Reconfigurable Processing Accelerates AI in Endpoint Systems for the OT Market).
This webinar will describe Renesas’ Cognitive Solutions portfolio, which is based on designated e-AI engines called DRP (Dynamic Reconfigurable Processor). RZ/A2M embedded MPU with DRP is now available to the broad market, transforming the way AI is implemented in countless industrial applications.
Renesas Synergy S1JA Webinar
Last Updated
February 18, 2020
It is essential to select better analog and power devices in a microcontroller system so the system can be efficient from both characteristics and cost standpoints. In this webinar we will review actual designs that use Renesas RL78 microcontroller and analog and power devices and discuss the advantages for the designs.
ISL82xxx Analog & Digital Power Module Family Webinar
Last Updated
January 22, 2020
Free Technical Webinar: Benefits and uses of Renesas latest state of the art high performance Power Modules!
Reduce overall design and development time by using Renesas high performance Renesas Power Module solutions.
We can help you improve quality, reliability, and eliminate risks with our latest easy to use Hybrid Digital PMBus family of ultra high density modules.
These Modules use a best in class analog R4TM control loop for unsurpassed input and output transient performance. High density, high efficiency, incredible thermal performance, are combined with superb electrical performance. The end result is all wrapped together in a fully encased, fully complete power train requiring zero design effort other than integration. Versions available are 10A/15A, with and without PMBus, and are all pin-pin compatible allowing system level tweaking as a product progresses through design.
Isolation Device Selection for Industrial Automation
Last Updated
January 22, 2020
Industrial Automation equipment such as AC servos, general-purpose inverters and robot controllers, and green energy systems like solar inverters, wind inverters and battery systems require lower power consumption and higher speed communication due to increased data volume needed for control. On the other hand, the noise environment is more severe because the power devices like IGBTs and SiC MOSFETs provide higher speed switching. In addition, it is necessary to meet safety and size requirements. These situations make it difficult to select isolation devices.
This webinar will show the isolation requirements of industrial automation equipment and green energy systems, and introduce the RV1S9x60A from Renesas, which is used for communication between microcontrollers (MCUs) and I/O.
Motor Control Made Easy Webinar
Last Updated
January 22, 2020
Reduce design and development time by 2/3 of the given overall development period. Keep the high quality and reliability of your 3-Phase inverter driven Motor Control system. No deadline deliverance extension. Reach the minimum of investments by reducing the overall cost. Enable a faster go-to market design. Sounds good, but is it realistic?
Yes! With the Renesas microcontroller-based 3-Phase Brushless Motor Control Reference Design, you have the unique advantage of using state-of-the-art motor control software combined with flexible hardware, enabling the development of the most advanced brushless 3-phase motor control system. This webinar discusses how easily you can develop 3-phase brushless motor control with the Renesas Motor Control Solutions and reference designs.
Putting Safety features into Battery Management Systems
Last Updated
December 03, 2019
In modern Battery Management Systems a large variety of safety features have to be included to provide a safe operation. Renesas’ Li-ion battery pack monitoring, protection and balancing ICs are specifically designed to meet the stringent safety, reliability and performance requirements of portable and battery powered applications such as consumer, industrial & medical products. In this webinar the main safety parameters that need monitoring are discussed as well as how these solution are implemented to provide intelligent battery management systems.
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